[敗家魔女周記] Valentino Valentina 聖誕香水套裝

不得了!! 我之前係雜誌見到呢隻香水,個樽真係無敵靚,超心動!! 但係我無衝動!! 我等, 等到而家睇下有冇聖誕套裝!! 哈哈!! 真係有呀!! 不枉我乖乖的等呀!!  我前幾日去銅鑼彎Lane Crawford玩個新品牌(我遲少少再分享一下), 行過見Valentina有set, 哈哈哈!! 即買!!

Valentina Fragrance by Valentino

價錢(Price):HK$845/ set (same price as 80ml bottle alone)

個盒好靚呀!! 可以reuse用黎放頭飾!! 超實用!

(English:  The box is really fabulous!!!  It can be reused to store some hair accessories!!  Very practical!!!)

Includes: Valentina Fragrance x 80ml

Shimmery Body Lotion x 200ml

Valentina Fragrance

個樽係咪超靚!! 好鍾意d花花!! 淨係放係度都好靚呀!!!係咪要忍唔住要俾錢先!!

(Amazing bottle design, isn’t it?  I love the flowers!!  It looks really nice sitting on my shelf!!  Now you tell me how could I ever resist such a lovely bottle??)

Product Information:

“Valentina marks out a solar, unexpected trail, classic yet modern. With attitude, sophistication
and unexpected characteristics, the bouquet of Valentina blends an irreverent
Italian floral oriental in which each facet reveals a paradox.”


(English:  The pump design is really special as well!!)

佢都有個透明蓋, 不過放係個box既第二個位。

(English:  It has a transparent cap but it’s put in a special area of the box!!)

用後感:佢個香味好清, 帶少少甜(我就咁聞個陣覺得佢有少少vanilla既尾係入面)。但係用係身上我覺得佢既花香味出少少, 一d都唔誇張, 好適合日常時間去用, 返工causal day都唔會覺得over咗! 普通一日佢都last到大半日,唔錯!  我知香味係好個人, 如果你對個樽有興趣, 你可以去聞一聞你自己鍾唔鍾意! 佢另外有一枝個樽係得一朵花花, 個枝都好靚, 香水既顏色再茶色少少,香味會濃少少, 我覺得個寐比較女人同埋complex, 我都好鍾意呀!! 哈哈, 一次過買兩set好狂,所以我買咗一set唞唞先!! 你可以睇下丫,如果你係香水控, 我好推呢set呀!! 個樣太靚喇!!

(English:  Product Review: Its scent is lovely and fresh, has a hint of sweetness (when I first smell it, I felt it had vanilla scent inside).  However, when it’s used on the body, it has a more floral scent, not over the top at all.  It’s actually very suitable for day time use – work day and causal day!!  It lasts for a good half day, good good!!  I know when it comes to scent, it’s really personal, so if you are interested, you should really go to the counter and give it a try!!  There is another fragrance in the line and there is one flower on the bottle.  I love that bottle design too and the color of the fragrance is a bit darker than this one.  Its scent is a bit more sophisticated and mature.  I really love that too!!   I couldn’t bring myself to haul two sets at the same time (too crazy), so I got one first and then maybe take a rest before getting another one.  OMG, if you are a perfume/ fragrance lover, I would really recommend this set since the bottle is just absolutely stunning!!)

Shimmery Body Lotion

呢樽body lotion都好靚呀!

(English:  This bottle is really pretty as well!!)

呢隻lotion都係有香味㗎!! 哈哈!

(English:  This lotion has scent as well!!! *Laughs*)

仲要搽完有閃粉㗎! 哈哈!! 不過我影唔到出嚟! d閃粉唔大粒, 細細粒, 好密好靚呀!!

(English:  It finishes with shimmer!!  However, my camera doesn’t pick it up really well!  Anyway, the sparkles are not huge, they look more like shimmer!!  Very dense an pretty on skin!!)

用後感: 呢枝係送啦,但係我覺得呢枝好好用呀!! 先係佢個質地唔笠, 搽完好保濕好清爽! 佢個香味好勁呀,香足一日! 同埋佢閃閃地真係好靚! 去P有約會真係啱哂, 又香又閃!! 好掂!!

(English:  Product Review:  This is basically given away to you, but honestly I feel this body location is really good!!  First, its texture is just right, hydrating but not heavy!  The scent is really long-lasting, it basically lasts all day!!  Also sine it’s shimmery, it’s really pretty on skin – perfect for a party or a date!!  Smells good and looks good – brilliant!!)

哈哈!! 燒唔燒呀!!! 我覺得呢set真係好唔錯, 如果送俾人收到都應該好開心!! 真太靚喇!! 好滿意!! 嘻嘻!! 有興趣有自己去聞下睇下鍾唔鍾意啦!!

(English: *Laughs* Tempted?  I really like this set!!  If you give it out as a gift, the receiver should be really impressed!!  It looks fabulous!!!  I am really happy with both items that come in the set.  *Winks*  If you are interested, go smell it at the counter and see if you like the scent!!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://store.valentino.com)
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