[時尚] Valentino 2013 Spring/ Summer Collection

而家先啱啱冬天, 時尚介嘅時鐘已經踏入春夏! 上星期接到Valentino嘅邀請去出席佢哋嘅2013春夏發佈會! 見到好多顏色好鮮艷嘅配飾,手袋, 眼前一亮! 再睇埋佢哋Fashion Show, 見model著住嘅時裝又高貴又girly, 我覺得我嘅視覺神經真係被受刺激! 我唔多講喇,不如睇相丫(我超級想同你地分享丫!!):

(English:  We just reached proper Winter but in the fashion world, they have moved onto 2013 Spring and Summer!  Last week, I received an invitation from Valentino to attend their 2013 Spring and Summer Press Presentation!!  OMG, I saw many fun colorful accessories, handbags, also I attended the Fashion Show and the models were wearing the elegant dresses, girly outfits…etc.  It was exciting and it was stimulating my senses!!  Right, I don’t want to mumble on how fabulous it is (you will see), let’s look at some photos (yea I so want to share my experience with you!!):)

 Valentino 2013 Spring/ Summer

春夏會好hot嘅pop color!! 估唔到Valentino用起pop color上嚟都好有玩味!! 有黃啦, 蘋果綠, 泡泡糖粉紅同埋艷紅! 好搶眼!!

(English:  Pop color will make a big hit in Spring and Summer time!  Somehow pop color with Valentino is a bit more fun and playful than I expect.  The colors are joyous and saturated yellow, apple green, bubblegum pink, and red!!  Very eye-catching!!)

記唔記我之前講過Valentino Noir嘅時候, 我話呢對係我dream heels!! 哈哈!! 春夏又出我最愛既bubblegum pink!!! 點呀!! 一定要敗!!! 同埋我好喜歡呢對鞋嘅高度, 唔太高,行起嚟唔會覺得有心冇力! 哈!! 黑色,紅色同呢對bubblegum pink我都好鍾意! 要好好諗下邊個色好!

(English:  Remember when I talked about Valentino Noir collection previously.  I mentioned that this pair is my dream heels.  *Laughs*  They have my favourite color – bubblegum pink in the Spring/ Summer Collection!! I think I cannot resist anymore!!!  I really like the height of this pair of heels, it’s not too high, so it doesn’t take a lot of effort to walk!!  Hmmm right, I love the black ones, the red ones and now the bubblegum pink one, I think I need to calm down and decide which pair I would really like to have!!)

佢亦都有平底款! 但係我個人覺得少少高跟靚d!

(English:  It’s available in flats too!  But my personal opinion is that a bit of heel makes all the difference!!)

呢個我要拎住影呀!! 超靚呀!! 隻色我好鍾意之餘, 個款我都好喜歡!! 可以做clutch同埋側背!! 前面仲有窩釘,太靚喇!!

(English:  I have to take a picture with this handbag!!  I am totally in love with it!!  I love the color, and I love the style!!  It can be used as clutch and on the shoulder!!  There are a few big studs on the front – brilliant!!)

窩釘被帶到去春夏! 但係唔同嘅係春夏嘅窩釘係有顏色,colorful得嚟少咗rock味!! Valentino嘅工藝師為咗要令窩釘嘅顏色更加持久, 上完色之後, 要拎d窩釘去烤箱烤! 好多工夫先做得到一個袋!

(English:  Studs are still popular in Spring/ Summer, the only difference is that studs become colorful (lesser of a rock touch).  Valentino’s craftsmen are dedicated to make the color on studs more long-lasting, after painting them with pop colors, studs are taken to the oven to be baked.  There are really quite a good few steps before a handbag is made to live.)



呢條裙都好靚! 我覺得成個剪裁再用埋粉色lace, 感覺又girly又sexy!

(English:  Love this dress!!  The whole cutting plus the use of pastel colored lace, it’s girly yet sexy!!)

呢個係evening collection, 所以所有野都好bling!

(English:  This is their evening collection, therefore, many things are very sparkling!!)


(English:  The crystals and the floral embroidery (created by beads) that you see are embroidered one by one by hand!!  Isn’t that amazing??)

對nude high heels同個nude袋真係好襯好靚!

(English: Nude heels together with the nude handbag – just go so well together!)

唔鍾意pop color, 黑色都有:

(English:  Don’t like pop color?  There are black items too:)

我私心呢對sandals呀! 好有型! 襯distressed look一流!

(English:  I love this pair of sandals, good style and it goes really well with distressed look!!)


(English:  The handbag is covered by Swarovski – truly elegant and breath-taking!!)

Pop color oversize clutch!! 好sharp!!! 如果去fashion show, 成身黑色淨係拎住呢個都好sharp喇!

(English:  Pop color oversize clutch!!!  Very attention-seeking!!!  Take this to a fashion show with an all black outfit – hmmm that pop of color would stand out!!)

 Pop Pois

波點呀!! 每一個袋會跟埋一條絲巾呀!!

(English:  Polka dots!!!  Every handbag will come with a scarf!!)

呢套唔係著出街㗎, 係睡衣!

(English:  This is not for outside!!  This is pajamas!!!)

太陽眼鏡都好colorful!! 嘻嘻, 有懷舊嘅味道!

(English:  Sunglasses are colorful too!!  *Grins*  Makes me think of “vintage”!!)


(English:  This pair of shoes and the handbags are perfect for parties!!)

呢對鞋用咗透明跟, 感覺上好似floating in the air, 係雲端慢步!

(English:  The heels are made of plastic glass, and it’s almost transparent!  Feel likes floating in the air and walking on clouds eh?)

睇完accessories, 而駕睇下衫丫:


(English:  The chest area where the floral pattern sits, there are beads on the edges area sewn by hand.)

Valentino嘅紅色!! 佢嘅紅真係好靚!!

(English:  I absolutely adore the red from Valentino!)

我覺得呢條nude色裙底調得嚟好高雅!!清清地, 但係好有氣質!

(I like this nude dress!  It’s low-key but it’s elegant!! Simple yet sophisticated!!)

呢條裙真係好好好靚呀!! Lace做得好靚, 成條裙做得好優雅高貴, 但係一d都唔誇張!! timeless!!

(English:  I absolutely adore this dress!!  The lace is perfect and the whole piece is elegant and lady-like!!  Timeless!!)

呢條都好特別, girly與狂野之間!

(English:  This piece is really special too, between girly and wild!!)


(English: This jumpsuit is sexy yet boyish!! I love the complexity!!)

最左邊條裙係我大愛!! 因為佢望落去係最簡單, 但係就係因為cutting做得非常好, 佢有種好classic, 好elegant嘅味道! 真正timeless!!

(English:  The dress on the left the most is my beloved!!  It looks the most simple but because its cutting is so extremely well done, it gives a classic, elegant and truly timeless feeling!!!)

呢條紅色都好靚呀!! 超鍾意sleeves係see through!!

(English:  I adore this red dress as well – particularly because the sleeves are see through!!)

點呀? 係咪好靚? 睇完都仲覺得感官上受度刺激!! 我覺得fashion就係要好inspiring!! 今次真係要特別多謝Valentino既PR邀請, 令我有個好興奮既下午!! 睇完之後我開心咗成晚, 無法啦, 人都係視覺上嘅動物!!
(English:  So, what do you think?  Gorgeous eh?  I feel like my senses are still being stimulate!!  Well, isn’t fashion is supposed to be inspiring?  I really need to thank Valentino PR invitation this time, I had a great afternoon and was joyous after!!  Well, I am a visual animal, so can’t help being excited when I see pretty things!!! *winks*)
Special thanks to MJ Photography HK for the photos, for any business inquiries for photo shoots, please contact him directly. 
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