How to Use Up The Foundations With Lighter Colours

近期試好多粉底,如果大牌黎講,好多都啱色。不過如果我試drugstore既話,相信大家成日係我既video度聽我講過好多平價粉底係我皮膚都係偏白。如果測試呢d白咗既粉底個日唔洗出街都好d,因為我可以白面魔女咁坐係屋企。但係有d日子,我真係要出去,但係又要試粉底又唔想嚇死人,咁點呢? 不如我分享一下我一個好簡單既tips,咁如果你屋企都有一d粉底上面淺過你膚色,唔想浪費又可以點做。

(English:  I have tried so many foundations these days, if they are from the high end brands, usually the colour match would be alright.  However, if I try any foundation from the drugstore, then I believe you have heard me times and times again in my video that those foundations usually don’t have a great colour match for me – they always end up looking “white” on my skin tone.  Well, on the days that I need to test these foundations and I don’t need to go out, great, I would be more than happy to sit at home with a white face (kinda like celebrating Halloween on my own).  But some days, I just can’t avoid going out and I need to test them for the next video/ blog post, honestly I don’t want to scare people on the streets, what do I do?  I guess I could share one very simple tips with you today, so it might help you to use up the lighter colour foundations that you have at home.)

其實真係好簡單,你只需要一盒啱你色既粉餅/碎粉。 大牌平價都無問題。如果你要控油,可以揀一個有控油功能而啱你皮膚顏色既粉餅/碎粉就可以喇。 如果你好似我咁,控油可有可無,最緊要啱色,咁市面上有好多好多可以選擇,揀一盒你搽完唔會覺得個樣好粉就perfect。 我最常用係以上兩款,而家夏天,所以Makeup Forever Pro Finish比較啱色,如果係冬天,我通常用GA(比Makeup Forever淺色)。 搽完你既液體粉底之後,用啱你色既粉餅/碎粉定妝,你會見到個顏色會tune翻去接近你皮膚既顏色。 之後就再化你其他部位。 咁就唔會兩截色喇。 真係好簡單,亦都唔怕再買到淺咗色既粉底用唔到會浪費,希望都幫到你啦。當然mix兩隻色粉底去到接近你既膚色都可以啦,不過有d朋友會覺得mix黎mix去好麻煩,所以我覺得粉餅/碎粉呢個tips係俾鍾意簡單方便既朋友。

(English: Indeed it’s very simple, all you need is one pressed powder/ loose powder that matches your skin colour.  It doesn’t matter if it’s high end or drugstore.  If you want oil control, then pick a powder which doesn’t only match your skin colour but also offers the needed function.  If you are very similar to me – doesn’t matter if it controls oil or not, all I can about is the base matches my skin tone, then you have many options available in the market.  Just pick one with the finish that you like.  My most use ones are the above!  I usually have darker skin tone during summer, so Makeup Forever Pro Finish is good for me; but for winter, I usually grab GA more (which is lighter than Makeup Forever’s).  Use the powder to set your liquid foundation, and you will see the overall colour will be tune back to close to your skin tone.  Then you apply makeup in other areas.  Voila, no more crazy white face!  Yes it’s really simple and another great thing is that I never worry if I get some liquid foundations with lighter colours again.  Hope it helps you too!  Of course you can choose to mix two foundations to get to one that’s similar to your skin tone, but I know some of you would feel that it takes too much time and effort.  So this tips is really for those who love to save time and convenience.)

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