Urban Decay x Kristen Leanne Collection

之前去英國見到Urban Decay x Kristen Leanne新出產品,呢兩款palette顏色比較啱我,所以我就入左手玩下。 我見香港都有,大家睇完文有興趣自己可以去香港counter望下。

(English:  When I was in U.K., I saw Urban Decay released a new collection with Kristen Leanne.  These two palettes seem to be right up my street, so I got them to try.  They are available at Urban Decay Hong Kong too, if you are interested after reading this blog post, you can go to their counters to check them out.)


Urban Decay x Kristen Leanne Collection

Urban Decay x Kristen Leanne Daydream Eyeshadow Palette HK$250


5個顏色都係matte色,所以如果鍾意matte色既人應該好開心。 鍾意閃眼影既就唔啱喇。 5個色都出色,都易上同埋易blend,無一達達。 5個色都用得到,左一用黎highlight眉骨,左二用黎打底,左三左四可以成個眼蓋用,左五可以用係眼摺位,化出黎好低調,唔誇張。 但係無咩變化,如果成日化類似既妝容會啱d,如果好鍾意化妝既我覺得用用下要揾其他palette黎轉變下,唔係會有少少悶。 我覺得質量係好既,值唔值得就睇個人喜好啦!

(English:  All 5 colours are matte, so if you love matte shades, you would be really happy; however, if you love shimmery eyeshadows, this is not for you.  The 5 colours are pigmented, easy to use and blend.  They don’t go patchy.  All 5 colours are handy, left 1 can be used as highlighting the brow bone, left 2 can be used as a base colour, left 3 and 4 can be used on all over the lids while left 5 can be used on the double lid area.  The result is subtle.  Since it only comes with 5 colours, there is not much versatility, if you wear almost the same look everyday, you probably would like this.  However, if you really love makeup, I think after a little while, you will need to fetch out your other palettes to do some mixing and matching, otherwise, you might find it a bit boring.  I think the quality is good, but whether it’s worth it, I think it really depends on your own makeup preference!)

Urban Decay x Kristen Leanne Beauty Beam Highlight Palette HK$300


呢三個色都係highlight,我覺得係深中淺咁分。 如果健康膚色,左一做highlight唔錯,如果比較白既,左一可以做眼影。 我個膚色啱啱三隻都用得到做highlight,只係我當日想要咩效果。 夏天我會黑d,所以我諗我多數用左一。 而中間色對我黎講好有spotlight效果,右一反而係自然d既光影。 閃粉多而密,上面無一達達,望落都幾靚。粉質幼細又唔吉面,唔錯。 呢個我覺得你要三個顏色都鍾意或者用得到先會抵,如果唔係你要考慮清楚。

(English:  All of the 3 colours are highlighters, and I classify them as deep, medium and light.  If you have tanned skin, I think the left 1 would be really nice as a highlighter; if you are on the fair side, left 1 can be used as an eyeshadow.  For my skin tone, I can use all 3 colours as highlights depending on what I want for the day.  For summer, I usually have a bit more tanned skin, I think left 1 would be a winner.  For the middle colour, it looks really pop on my skin, so I would say it offers the most spotlight effect while the right 1 gives a more subtle result.  There are lots of shimmer but they are closely packed together and they don’t go patchy on skin, which is nice.  The powder is also finely milled and doesn’t feel rough on skin, another good point.  I think for this, you need to be able to utilise all 3 colours to find it worth your while, otherwise, you might feel that you are wasting some of the colours.)

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