[化妝] Urban Decay Vice 3 Palette

講咗幾日nude palette講到我有d悶,同埋春天啦,春天大家可以用d顏色有d變化既眼影啦! 咁好似襯d(春天都係比較colorful哈哈~~)! 我知我以下要講呢個palette香港無得賣,但係如果你會去US,UK,Europe(有Sephora既地方),你有興趣既話可以去留意下啦~~ 再唔係就要揾代購。。。可惜呢個我幫唔到大家,因為我都係係英國個陣買!

(English:  I have been talking about nude palette for a few days and I am getting bored with the topic, plus it’s Spring time, so I am guessing you might want some colors on your eyes to match this colorful season!  I know this palette is not available in Hong Kong, but if you are heading to US, UK or Europe (places with Sephora) and if you are interested, you probably would be able to get it.  Otherwise, you might have to look for someone’s help… sadly I can’t help as I got mine when I was in the UK!)

Urban Decay Vice 3 Palette



用後感: 大家都知我好少用粉色既眼影,原因係我太健康膚色,所以用粉色既唔係好襯,加上我無咩少女味啦,太粉色既我睇落唔係好match我年紀(特別做look俾大家睇另計)! 所以春天,我諗起”顏色”,但係反而係sharp少少既顏色,唔係pastel colors! 老實講,我覺得sharp少少仲突出,因為人人都pastel,d衫又pastel既時候,用少少sharp既color仲有種時尚感。 Urban Decay既眼影粉質我唔洗多講,我一路都係佢眼影fans。 佢呢個palette既quality都無令我失望,一樣都係好幼細,好creamy,好易blend同好出色! 以上既試色圖就係無打底同畫一兩下出黎既效果。 Matte既顏色有Truth,Downfall同Defy,其他都係閃,閃多閃少既問題jer~ 初初見到佢個陣,我有諗:”咁colorful我都唔知會唔會用”。。。我都行咗兩轉,之後Mr Honey話:買啦,你都無Vice Palette,買咗就可以review! 哈哈~~俾佢推一推,即刻跳落火坑! 反而買完翻黎我越用越鍾意,原因除咗佢粉質超好之外,係我發覺佢入面都包含好多低調實用既顏色(e.g. Undone,Downfall,DTF,Reign,Angel),用佢地去mix一d比較sharp既顏色都唔會變妖女! 同埋我好多時係想有好少color但係唔想成個eyelid都好sharp,所以我會用sharp既顏色做下眼線,咁低調得黎有少少色又唔會嚇鬼! 又或者加少少sharp color係眼尾丫,又得,有韓風!! Overall,我係越用越鍾意呢個palette,因為同我平時買開既有唔同,顏色亦都容易carry(睇你用係邊),有選擇可以做color pop look或者係natural look, 我覺得好實用喎!!  推呀!! 如果你用大地色用到好悶,但又唔係就粉色路線既babes,而你又鍾意個palette入面既顏色,買得過呀!!

(English:  Many of you must notice that I seldom use pastel colors, this is because my skin color is too tanned so pastel doesn’t really go with me, plus, I don’t have that girly girl feel, I just don’t think it suits my style very well (and also it doesn’t really match my age).  Apart from creating a special look, I usually avoid the pastel in my makeup collection!!  Right so what happens when it comes to Spring and when I finally think about “color”?  I like a bit of a vibrant twist.  Honestly, I think vibrant colors are more eye catching because when everyone is crazy about pastel (including makeup, clothes, bags, shoes…), you do something different and you stand out being very urban!  I don’t have to convince you how good the quality is for the Urban Decay eyeshadows as I have been their long-term fan.  This palette hasn’t disappointed me in any sense, the quality is still finely-milled, pigmented, creamy and blendable.  The above swatches are the results of no primer and with 1-2 strokes.  Truth, Downfall and Defy are matte while others are shimmery (some are more shimmery than others).  When I first saw it, I was like, “I am not really sure if I would use it because it’s just too colorful!” I passed by the counter twice and then Mr Honey said, “get it!  You don’t have any Vice palette and you can review this for your followers.” Oh well, he got a point and I immediately grabbed it and went.  Now I have to admit, the more I use it, the more I love it.  Apart from its amazing quality, I discover quite a few low-key and practical shades inside the palette (e.g. Undone, Downfall, DTF, Reign, Angel) which can be mixed with the more vibrant colors without having a scary face.  Also, most of the time, I personally would want some color but not over the whole eyelid, so I would use some of the sharper shades here on the lower waterline, it’s quite a modern and sophisticated finish without looking like a clown.  One more way, you can also add the hint of color at the end of your upper lash line, sounds very Korean inspired, doesn’t it?  Overall, I am totally happy with this palette, it’s something different, the colors are easy to carry, I get a choice to create pop color look or natural look – quite practical indeed!  I do recommend this palette, if you are getting bored with your current earth tone colors and you are not one of those pastel babes, most importantly, you like what you see, then it’s a yes for you!)

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