[化妝] Urban Decay Shadow Box

Urban Decay既Naked Palette大家聽過好多喇,但係其實除咗Naked Palette,Urban Decay做搶眼顏色一樣咁好! 我今個月會出個Urban Decay Collection video同埋同大家recap下邊d值得d入手,但係未做video之前可以睇下我早前去潮拜佢地counter個陣入手既Shadow Box丫~

(English:  I am sure you have heard tons about Urban Decay Naked Palette, but apart from Naked-s, Urban Decay is brilliant in creating eye-catching colours!  Yes I’ve said that I would do a Urban Decay collection video and recap what would be the starting items this month.  Prior to that, let’s take a look at this Shadow Box which I got from visiting their counter earlier~)

Urban Decay Shadow Box HK$310


(English:  It comes with 12 colors, the black color (blackout) is matte and others are shimmery.)


用後感: 大家都知我通常係naked顏色為主,同埋如果係其他顏色既話,我鍾意d sharp既顏色而唔鍾意粉色。 我覺得sharp既顏色比粉色容易carry,因為1)我皮膚黑,粉色好難顯色,同埋2) Sharp顏色比較無眼腫既問題!我覺得呢盒Shadow Box,earth tone又有d,其他唔同顏色又有d,雖然望落好似未必好大路,但係用落顏色都好好搭得黎係易搭。 如果比較大地既日子可以用Lost,Smog,Baked Cowboy。 Elegant d 可以用Bordello加Tornado。 我覺得Indo呢個綠勁靚,加Baked Cowboy又得。 而Freelove可以做base color,日常返工用好低調。 但係如果加埋Moonshadow即變型look! 好多好多變化大家可以慢慢玩! 佢既眼影唔洗多講,一如以往,都係出色,上色,易blend,超幼滑!! 買唔買好?我覺得如果你係一d都唔會玩變化,咁千祈唔好因為望落好靚而買,因為你會浪費,如果你鍾意大地色,佢d naked對你黎講會實用好多。 但係如果你話你都鍾意久唔時玩下唔同look既話,我覺得你可以望下呢個palette睇下你會唔會睇到你自己會用既不同配搭! 我呢期用大地色用得好悶,所以呢個palette對我黎講就好好玩喇~~

(English:  Product Review: I am usually the naked colours kinda girl, and if I need to choose some other colors, I usually go for sharp colours but not pastels.  I feel that sharp colours are easier for me to carry because 1. I have tanned skin and pastels don’t show up too well and 2. Sharp colours don’t have that much of “eyelids look swollen” problem!  I feel that this Shadow Box offers a bit of everything (both earth tone and other vivid colours).  Though the colours don’t look mainstream, they are very easy to use and mix and match with each other.  If you want something more earthy, try Lost + Smog + Baked Cowboy.  For an elegant day, you might want to try Bordello + Tornado.  I personally love Indo – it’s an amazing green and perfect to mix with Baked Cowboy as well.  Also Freelove can be used as a base color and it would be perfect for a normal day at work.  However if you mix it with Moonshadow, you probably turn a bit rock n’ roll.  There are so many combinations to play with!!  For the quality of their eyeshadows and I really don’t need to say much: super pigmented, easy to blend and very finely milled.  Should you get this?  Well, if you are not into changing colors, then please don’t because you are going to waste your money.  If you love earth tones, buy their naked palettes instead which you’d probably get a lot of uses out of.  However, if you enjoy playing with colours from time to time, I think you can take a look at this and see if you would feel inspired!  For me, I am getting bored with the earthy/ smokey kinda of look, so this palette comes in handy when I want to switch things up a bit.)

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