很久沒有在這裡分享試色圖,正因為剪了一個不一樣的髮型,所以近期都在試新品,希望有一個新的妝容。 試了這個Urban Decay Naked Honey Palette,非常滿意,就趁今天跟大家試色。
It’s been a long time since I last shared any palette swatches here. Due to my new hair cut, I have been trying different makeup looks, hope to inject some excitement into my life. I have been enjoying this Urban Decay Naked Honey Palette lately, so I thought I would swatch them for you today.
Urban Decay Naked Honey Palette
大家都知我很喜歡啡金的組合,亞洲人基本上怎樣用都不會錯!啡金的眼影我有好多好多,但真正喜歡而變化多的又真的不多! 12個顏色拼得非常統一連貫,沒有一個色是多餘! 當中5個是閃色,左1的白色是珍珠色,其他都是沒閃底的顏色。 每一隻眼影都用得到,都可以用來畫不同深淺的妝容,雖然顏色比較大地,但不會沉悶! 這個眼影盤還有一個魔力,就是我每次打開使用時,我都不會只搽一個顏色,三個色是最少的,這也好久沒有發生在我身上。 我覺得其中一個原因是它不用我大費周章去想究竟那個色要搭那個色才對,隨便的配都好看! 這就是一個眼影盤能得到熱愛的主因吧! 粉質一如以往的好,幼細,容易混染,閃色在眼皮上起了立體的作用,不浮誇! 各方面做得非常好,如果你也喜歡啡金眼影,我超建議這盤,就算你和我一樣已經擁有了很多,這個也會令你驚喜!
Many of you know that I am fond of browns and golds when it comes to eyeshadows, I just think they never go wrong on Asian skin tones! Indeed, I own tons and tons of them but not many are favourites and versatile to use! The tone of these 12 colours are very consistent and none of them is useless! 5 of them are shimmery, 1 (first left) is pearly and the others are matte. Each one can be used to create different looks, be them day-to-day or night-time-smokey. Though the colours seem to be more on the earthy side, they are not boring! This palette is magical in the way that I never only just use 1 colour, every time I use this to create a look, 3 is the minimum shades that I use. This hasn’t happened to me for a long time. I think one of the main reasons is that it doesn’t cost me additional effort to think, “which colour should go with which one?” They all work well together and it’s easy for me to go with the flow! Powder quality is as good as always, it’s finely milled, easy to blend and the shimmery ones add that much needed dimension on the eye lids without being over the top! Well done on so many aspects! If you enjoy this type of tone, I highly recommend this one to you, though you might have a collection of earthy-tone eyeshadows (like me), I think this would still surprise you in a wonderful way!