Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette

呢個Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette問咗三個星期都無貨,終於係我放棄之前比我問到有貨喇,今日同大家試下色再分享下我用完佢既感覺先。

(English:  I had been asking for this Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette for 3 weeks, just when I was about to give up, they had stock, so I got mine and today I am going to do some swatches and share my thoughts with you.)


Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette HK$500


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我覺得佢個顏色組合好特別,好唔同,亦都好襯個名。 顏色warm tone,做得好連貫,有閃有唔閃。 我覺得4季都啱用。圖中既大部分顏色我係畫咗3下先出到圖中咁實色,而Ember係最出色既一隻色,只係畫咗一下就出到好實色。 粉質黎講,我覺得算滑算出色,matte色都係無閃色咁滑同出色。 我覺得對佢以前naked系列既眼影質數去對比,係無以前咁滑咁buttery。呢盒Naked Heat比我感覺有少少粉,不過都接受到,上眼唔係好覺亦都好易blend開。 可能我呢期對所有類似Naked Heat既顏色都好有興趣(唔知係咪用大地色用都好悶),所以我好鍾意呢個palette。 買完成日都用。 其實用上眼又唔係好誇張,但係就望落特別d。 佢有淺有深色,所以你想妝感自然d又得,或者秋季想smokey又得,都算多變化。 我覺得如果你對呢類既顏色好有興趣既話,我好建議入手。 但係如果你唔想成個palette都係呢個tone既話,因為你只係想有少少變化但係唔肯定你會唔會用呢類既顏色,我覺得你可以試下Makeup Revolution New-Trals VS Neutrals先(Review按此),佢唔係一模一樣,不過New-Trals有少少無咁勁既peach色,你可以玩下睇下你襯唔襯呢d顏色,先再決定入唔入手Naked Heat。 Naked Heat係香港買HK$500,如果你成日係selfridges買野或者你會有野係selfridges買,佢個價錢係HK$335,因為要比HK$260運費,所以淨買呢個palette唔抵,但係如果你有其他野買既話就抵喇,佢而家冇貨,唔急既話,你可以先add入wishlist等佢返貨丫(link按此)。 如果心急就當然去香港counter買會快d啦(有貨既話)。

(English: I really like the combination of this eyeshadow palette because it looks different and it goes with the name really well.  The colours are more on the warm tone side and I can see the theme consistency.  It comes with both matte and shimmery eyeshadows and I think it’s great for all 4 seasons.  The swatches you see above are the result from 3 strokes apart from Ember (1 stroke is fine).  Ember is definitely the most pigmented out of the bunch.  Regarding the powder, I think it’s nice and pigmented, the mattes are not as smooth and pigmented as the shimmers.  If I have to compare the quality of this against their previous naked palettes, I have to say it seems to be that the eyeshadows are not as buttery anymore.  The ones in Naked Heat feels a bit powdery to touch, but it’s still alright.  When I use these on eyes, the difference is not huge and they are still easy to blend.  Maybe I am just into these kinds of Naked Heat colours these days (not sure if I am getting bored with the nudes), so I really enjoy using this palette.  I use it non stop after I got it.  Indeed, they don’t look crazily over the top on eyes but they do give that “special something something”.  It comes with both light and dark colours, so you can create both very natural or very smokey looks.  It’s quite versatile.  If you are into these sorts of colours, I would highly recommend you to get this.  However, if you don’t want the whole palette with this tone, you are looking for some changes from your day-to-day look but you are not sure if you are going to like the colours on your eyes, I would suggest you try Makeup Revolution New-Trals VS Neutrals first (review is here), it’s not exactly the same, but it offers a few peachy colours which are more easy to carry, so you can play with it and see if you like them on your eyes, then you can make the choice of whether you want to purchase Naked Heat or not.  Naked Heat costs HK$500 in Hong Kong, if you a regular of selfridges or you have some other stuff to get from selfridges, their price of the Naked Heat is HK$335.  Well, due to the fact that you need to pay a flat shipping fee of HK$260, if you only get this palette, you won’t get any savings, but if you have other stuff to get, then yes.  It’s out of stock on selfridges now, if you are not in a hurry, you can add it to your wish list first and wait for it to come back (link is here).  Of course, if you are dying to get this, the quickest is to go to the counters in Hong Kong (if they have stock).)

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