[化妝] Urban Decay Naked Basics VS Naked Basics 2

如果你有睇我之前係英國既敗家片,你可能會期待我出呢篇試色圖同感想(哈哈)! 我之前都講過其實我又唔係好想買Naked Basics,我望落真係覺得佢唔係好勁特別,但係因為我有哂Naked 1,2,3,所以我諗如果我唔買又好似個colletion差左d野咁,同埋我見好人上網話化妝新手好啱呢個palette,咁我又想用呢個角度去分析下丫。 係,講完一大餐,係係係,我係英國個陣買左,而家有少少時間,所以趁我未老人癡呆,拿拿聲同大家分享下先:

(English:  If you have watched my previous UK haul video, you probably are looking forward to the birth of this blog post *laughs*!!  Yea, I have mentioned before that I didn’t really want the Naked Basics because I didn’t think the colors were very special.  However, due to the fact that I owned Naked 1, 2 and 3, I do feel something is missing if I don’t get the 2 Naked Basics!!  Plus, there are rave comments online saying that these are perfect for makeup newbies, so I kinda want to use this angle to review them!!  Yes, after a lengthy explanation, I did get them when I was in the UK.  Well it would be best for me to share my thoughts really quickly before I forget again!!)

Urban Decay Naked Basics VS Naked Basics 2

價錢(Price):£22@ (available at Debenhams, UK)


(English:  You can buy online too, here are the links:)

Urban Decay Naked Basics
Urban Decay Naked Basics 2

Naked Basics Swatches/ 試色圖


Naked Basics 2 Swatches/ 試色圖


 感想: 兩盒都無咩閃粉(除咗Basics 2左一),主打都係matte既顏色,如果完全唔鍾意閃眼影既人係會好啱。 我覺得Basics係比較啡tone而Basics 2就灰tone多少少,要睇自己喜好喇。 至於上色度方面,我覺得兩盒既淺色都係好一致,都上色既,但係去到深色個方面,我就覺得Basics 2勝出喇。 就以Basics個黑色為例,你見上手唔係真係好黑(見到皮膚色),反而Basics 2既右一上手就真係見唔到皮膚既顏色!同埋我感覺覺得Basics 2既粉質係滑d同埋creamy d(會容易blend多d)。 我覺得兩個palette都比較鬼妹,如果你好愛Cara Delevingne個種感覺/妝容,我覺得你會好愛呢兩個palette!! 講真,我覺得如果話呢兩個palette好適合新手去用,不如話呢兩個palette好適合鍾意歐美風既人。 易用方面,我都覺得易用既,如果你係新手,你可以先練習比較淺既顏色,每次用其中兩款,咁應該好易handle又唔會太複雜! 如果你唔係新手,我覺得你可以深深淺淺自由變化,應該出黎效果好歐美!! 如果你問我我愛邊個palette多d,我會話Basics 2,因為佢深色個d顏色比較出色,同埋個色系比較特別一d,不過呢d個人喜好啦!! 

(English:  Product Review: Both are consisted of matte shades (apart from the first left color on Basics 2), so if you don’t like shimmery eyesshadows, these are for you!!  I feel that Basics is leaning on the brown side and Basics 2 is more geared towards to grey side, so it totally depends on your preference.  For pigmentation, the lighter colors on both palettes are consistently pigmented.  However, for the darker colors, the ones in Basics 2 win!!  For example, for the black in Basics, you can see how it doesn’t totally cover the skin color when it was swatched on hand; quite on the contrary, the first right color on Basics 2 covers skin color in just one swipe!!  Also I find that the texture of Basics 2 is more smooth and creamy (that means easier to blend).  I feel that both palettes are quite “western”, what I mean is that if you love the makeup on Cara Delevingne, then you probably love these!!  Honestly, I can’t agree that these two are perfect for makeup newbies, I would rather say if you enjoy those westernized natural looks, these are for you.  For usage, I feel that it’s somewhat easy to use.  What I would recommend is that if you are a makeup newbie, start with the lighter shades and do not make more than 2 shades at a time (until you get a hang of it), then it wouldn’t be that complicated to you.  But if you are a makeup “senior”, yea feel free to mix and match!!  One last thing, you probably wonder which one I like best, I have to say I like Basics 2 better simply because of its higher pigmentation and its colors are slightly more exciting!!  Well, but you know what I would also say, this is a personal preference!!)

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