Update: Myluxbox ♥ Sept (Trial Version)

如果你記得既話, 我上個月收到第一盒Myluxbox既試用版. 入面有幾款high-end deluxe samples. 係超級開心+驚喜當中, 我都不忘快d試用d產品, 等我可以同大家分享我既心得啦. 如果你地唔記得我個Myluxbox ♥ Sept入面有d咩, 咁你就要重溫下以下既片段先:

(English:  If you remember, I received my first Myluxbox (Trial Version).  There were some high-end deluxe samples inside.  In the midst of being super excited and happy, I didn’t forget to try them out quickly so that I could share my comments with you all.  If you happen to forget what’s inside that particular Myluxbox ♥ Sept, don’t worry, please refresh your memory with the below video:)

入面係咪有好多好吸引既產品呢?  咁你可想而知我當時既心情有幾咁興奮啦~~ 呵呵.

(English:  There were many interesting products inside eh?  Now you could imagine how excited I was!!  *Grins*)

唔經唔覺, 我都用左d產品有一段時間喇, 係時候分享下我對佢地既感覺.  不如我逐一同大家分享啦:

(English:  Time flies, I had been trying the products out for awhile and it’s time to share my comments.  Let me do each one on its own:)

Lancome Bi-Facil Non-Oily Sensitive Eyes Instant Cleanser, 30ml

呢個我用左大概一個多星期.  你都見啦, 我真係用到一滴都無.  原本我係想影佢未開始用既時候個樣, 但係我又諗, 我應該影用完個樣, 等你地知我真係用完先寫comment麻.

(English:  This one lasted a bit more than a week.  As you can see, I used it till its last drop!  I took this photo to show you all that I actually used it up before sharing my comment.)

用後感:  Lancome呢個產品我好耐以前都用過, 真係好好用, 但係因為我其間太過花心, 用過一次之後無再回購.  而家收到又突然間記起佢係幾咁正!  佢係兩個layer既眼咀卸妝液.  佢最好既地方係敏感眼位都用得, 唔會令到有唔舒服既感覺.  佢卸眼妝既促度好快, 唔洗幾多秒, 我既超級無敵防水眼妝已經落得好乾淨, 而且過水之後唔會覺得油膩.  真正做到快靚正!!  用完呢個之後真係有d悔恨點解我唔早d記得佢咁好用!! >.<  超推呀!!!  我都會回購full size, 不過當然我會等Thankful Week既set裝啦 (笑).

(English:  After-use Comment:  I used this Lancome product long long time ago, it was really good!  I then went on to try other products and forgot how good this was!  It’s a 2-layer eye and lip makeup remover.  The best thing is that it is suitable for sensitive eye areas and it doesn’t cause any irritation.  Its speed of taking off the makeup is brilliant (within seconds actually) and it removes my stubborn waterproof eye makeup very thoroughly as well.  It doesn’t feel greasy after rinsing as well.  Truly amazing!  Seriously, how could I forget this being so good??  Highly recommended!!  I am planning to get the full size, of course, I will wait till the Thankful Week to do my purchasing *smiles*!!)

Kerastase Reflection Luminous Softening Shampoo, 30ml

呢個我都用左一個多星期呀!!  收到呢個個陣真係勁開心 (長氣…), 我想試呢個品牌既護髮產品好耐喇…但因為價格唔太親民, 所以成日都係猶豫當中.  今次有得試, 真係令我好感動 (會唔會太誇張?).  哈哈.

(English:  This one lasted a bit more than a week as well.  I was sooooo happy when I got this (long-winded).  I had been wanting to try this brand for so long, but again, the price tags are not too friendly, so I was forever in the struggle.  I was so touched that I got to try this *laughs*.)

用後感:  呢隻係護色系列, 我係收到呢個產品之前去整左highlight, 所以呢個產品來得正好!!  佢帶dd清新既香味, 同埋佢加水之後起到好豐富既泡泡, 按摩完過水之後感覺好乾淨得黎頭髮又唔會覺得好乾.  最正既係我覺得用左佢之後我d highlight既顏色出左同埋d頭髮令左.  好滿意.  我終於明白點解佢既價格唔太親民啦, 因為佢既quality實在太好.  我而家變左捲髮, 我應該會試試佢既修護系列.  試過佢呢個產品之後變得對佢品牌好有信心.  嘻嘻.

(English:  After-use Comment:  This one is for color protection.  I got my highlight done before receiving this product, so it was a good timing.  It smelled nice and fresh and it generated a good amount of foam.  After rinsing, my hair felt clean but didn’t feel dry.  The most amazing thing was that it enhanced the color of my highlight and made my hair shiny.  I was completely happy with the product.  Now I sorta understand why their price tags are not too friendly (it’s because their quality is exceptional!!).  I have curly hair now and I am planning to try their repairing line.  I have lots of confidence in this brand now!! *laughs*)

Kerastase Reflection Luminous Softening Treatment Masque, 30ml

呢個我用左大概4次就用完喇.  呢個髮膜係同上面既洗髮水同一個系列.

(English:  This one lasted around 4 times and it was in the same line as the shampoo.)

用後感:  佢個質感好creamy, 用法都好簡單.  我好懶, 所以都係趁沖涼既時候敷10分鐘就過水.  用完呢個髮膜幾感覺係頭髮變得比較柔軟.  同埋頭髮有翻光澤, 髮尾唔再覺得好乾.  感覺真係好唔錯呀!! 

(English:  After-use Comment:  Its texture was very creamy and the method to use was very simple.  When my laziness kicked in, I used this on my hair for 10 min while I was taking shower.  After using this, I felt that my hair was softer, my hair was shinier and the ends were moisturized.  It was GREAT!)

試完Kerastase呢兩個產品真係要計劃下我下一轉要敗佢地d咩產品.  自己燒自己呀!!!  T.T

(English: After trying a couple Kerastase products, I am seriously planning to try their other products!!  Ahh….very tempting!! T.T)

SKII Facial Treatment Mask, 1 pc
呢個真係不用我多說啦~~~  我唔係話過我係呢隻mask既粉絲?? 我之前都有講過呢個超級好用面膜,可以按下面連結:

(English:  I don’t have to talk about this one much, do I?  Have I mentioned before that I am a big fan of this super mask?  If you are interested in the detailed comments, please click the link below:)

Review: SKII Facial Treatment Mask
Shiseido Revital Whitening Lotion Ex II, 7ml
Shiseido Revital Whitening Moisturizer Ex II, 7ml
Dior Diorsnow White Reveal Fresh Creme, 15ml
最後有三件美白產品, 可惜我唔太特別喜好用美白產品, 所以我將佢地送左比我mama!  Mama好鍾意美白, 同埋佢唔會因為用美白產品而敏感 (但係我就比較容易有敏感既情況出現), 所以我送sa呢三件產品比佢.  佢見到個真係超開心 (哈哈), 當然我見到佢咁開心, 我都好開心啦.
(English:  3 whitening products remained.  Hmmm…I am not a whitening product lover, so I gave them all to my mom instead as she loves whitening products so much and her skin can tolerate the ingredients (I am more vulnerable to whitening products).  Haha, she was so happy when she got these 3 products.  I was very happy to see her being so excited too!)


玩左第一盒Myluxbox, 我而家好期待我第二盒Myluxbox既出現 (唔知入面會有d咩驚喜!!).  每一個deluxe sample都用到大概一個星期多少少, 用完一個星期, 自己都會有個初步感覺想唔想投資係呢件產品身上.  當然, 因為每個Myluxbox都係一個surprise, 所以都有機會好似我咁會收到一d自己未必好有興趣既產品.  我就會送比人喇, 將自己既surprise帶俾人, 見到人地開心, 我都會好開心.  哈哈!!

(English:  After toying with my first Myluxbox, I look forward so much to seeing my second one (hoping to be surprised).  Each deluxe sample lasts more than a week, after using them, you will have an initial feeling about investing on the product or not.  Of course, each Myluxbox is a surprise, so I do get products which I might not be too interested in as well.  Then I will give these little gifts to others, to bring that surprise factor forward!!  *LAUGHS*)

如果你地想register/ 買membership, 你可以去佢地網止丫 –> Myluxbox

(English:  If you want to register or purchase the membership, please go to –> Myluxbox )

P.S. 這篇文章好好好長呀!!  你地覺得呢個update點丫?  希望你地覺得有用/ 鍾意睇我對Myluxbox入面產品既comment啦~~  Have Fun!!

(English:  P.S. This blog post is really really long!!  How do you like this piece?  Hope you enjoy this and find my comments useful!!  Have fun!!!)

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