Uninspiring Weather

我覺得上年同今年天氣真係好特別! 無咗我熱愛既冬天,凍下又熱下,搞到我日日都唔知著咩好。 上星期有兩日涼涼地,所以我去影咗相,算係我又凍又熱既穿搭!

(English:  Somehow the weather has been really strange here in Hong Kong, not to mention my beloved Winter disappeared, it has been hot and cold non-stop.  Honestly I don’t know what to hear!  I was somehow happy that it was cold for a couple of days last week and I took the opportunity to take a few shots for you – take it as my usual outfit for this crazy weather!)

Photography by MJPhotographyHK


Top: Marks & Spencer Cashmere Top
Jacket: Stella McCartney Bryce Coat (link)
Jeans: Asos Lisbon Skinny Mid Rise Jeans in Clean Black (link)
Bag: Louis Vuitton Pouchette Metis (previous video)
Shoes: Malone Souliers Metallic Leather-Trimmed Suede Point Toe Flats (link)
Glasses: Dior Murmure (link)
Watch: Panerai PAM1000 (previous video)


Stella McCartney呢件褸係英國買咗真係翻到黎香港完全無機會著,不過唔緊要,我相信我會再去凍既地方,到時著到飽! 我鍾意呢件褸既一大原因係佢有正式既味道! 通常我既褸都係比較causal,所以呢件係有少少正式既場合就用得著喇。

(English:  I didn’t get the chance to wear much of this Stella McCartney coat in Hong Kong.  But don’t worry, I believe I do have chances to go to colder places in future and I am sure I will bring this along with me so I can wear it till I get sick and tired of it.  One of the main reasons that I love this coat is because it has a touch of formality in it.  Most of my jackets are very causal so I believe this would come in handy when I need to go somewhere formal.)



無著褸呢個look反而係我最舒服亦都係呢期最常見既造型。 我好少著得好花,呢d平平冇奇既我覺得好易襯亦都好襯我性格! 簡簡單單! 我覺得fashion係著性格,用衫去表達自己! 而我就最鍾意低調!!

(English:  If you see me in real life, I think 99% you will see me in something like this – without the jacket!  I don’t usually go crazy with my outfit.  Something simple like this is easy to carry and really suits my personality.  The art of simplicity.  I think fashion is all about expressing yourself through the things that you wear and I love being low-key!)



好喇,見到呢個袋! 咁你地跟住會問我好唔好用,鍾唔鍾意,幾時有bag review!! OKOK!! 暫時答住大家鍾意先。 Bag review,我會係3月出,因為我都用左一期,可以同大家分享一下。 另外我記得我仲欠大家一個Celine Nano Luggage,我都記得,不過未得閒揾管家一齊拍! 我都希望3月可以出埋! 一次過還債!!

(English:  Right, here comes the bag!  Then you probably will ask me whether I like it or not, is it worth the price and when I will have this bag review!  OK!  I got all that and my answer now is simply: I like this!  I hope to review this bag in March because I have been using it for awhile and I will be able to share my thoughts.  Right, I still owe everyone a review on the Celine Nano Luggage, I haven’t forgotten.  It’s just that the Butler and I are crazily busy these days, we hadn’t got the time to sit down and film.  But no worries, I hope to review that in March as well.)




自從買咗Gucci Slippers之後就發現slippers既好,所以見到Malone Souliers呢對就入手咗。 因為佢都係slippers但係佢同Gucci個樣唔同,同埋呢對望落formal d。 我上網買,我買翻39號,但係有時我覺得突左後跟出黎,如果買我覺得size大半號會好少少。 舒唔舒服? OK既,初初行得耐,腳趾公有少少磨,但係唔嚴重,無話痛到行唔到! 著多幾次鬆咗少少就無呢個問題喇!!

(English:  I fell in love with slippers since I got my Gucci Slippers, they are just the most brilliant invention!  When I saw this pair of Malone Souliers, I had to get these because they do look different than my Gucci slippers, but they are still slippers (with the formal twist)!  I got mine online and I got them in size 39.  Sometimes I do feel like my back heels are somewhere outside of slippers.  So my advice is that if you get them, size them up half a size.  Are they comfortable?  They are alright.  When I first wore them, I walked for a few hours and my big toes rubbed onto the side of the shoes.  After a few times of wearing, the issue disappeared.  I would say they are nice to walk in and they don’t give me too much of a foot-ache!)

令人唔inspired既天氣有唔係好inspired既穿搭法! 哈哈! 大家黎緊春天又有咩心水產品? 春天係我每年最唔鍾意既一個季節,我覺得所有野都同我格格不入,唔知今年又會唔會一樣?

(English:  Now this sums up the uninspiring outfit for the uninspiring weather.  So what are you eyeing up in the coming Spring?  Talking about Spring, it has to be one of the worst seasons for me, because I do feel like nothing really matches my style, I am not sure if it would be the same this year, I kinda hope not.)

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