[保養] 終極膠原蛋白 ♥ Ultima II

Ultima II最出名係膠原蛋白產品好多人都知。 我之前都試過佢某d產品。 但係佢最出名嘅黑樽, 紅樽, 金樽我就未試過。  上個星期收到佢地話想我試下佢地嘅黑樽仔, 我當然係好有興趣啦, 試完如果真係好正, 就可以好安心去回購(呵呵, 其實我有兩次都好想敗, 但係我次次行過都同自己講未試過唔知work唔work,所以又打消咗念頭, 你知啦, 佢個價錢都真係好貴婦麻!)。 

(English:  Utima II is well-known for its collagen products.  I tried a few of their items before, but I haven’t got around to try their most renowned black/ red/ gold bottles.  Last week, I got an invitation to try their black bottles, I was absolutely excited because if it really works on my skin, then I could haul them without worrying that they won’t be a good fit (well, there were a couple times I wanted to haul them, and then I wasn’t sure if it was that good, so I gave up – as all of you know that their prices are more of a royal price tag!!)

Ultima II 極致純膠原蛋白再生緊緻療程

Ultima II Extraordinaire Supreme
Pure Collagen Perfect Skin
Resurfacing Treatment

今次試呢隻係3枝黑樽裝嘅版本。 佢蘊含90%高濃度膠原蛋白分子,加上法國最頂尖Dynalift™膠原肌膚還原科技, 給肌膚徹底滋潤、毛孔極速緊緻!  講到真係好勁咁呀!  收到個日我已經超心急, 左望右望。 勁想快d返屋企去試喇!

(English:  This time, I got to try the black bottles (3-bottle version).  It contains 90% of Pure Marine Collagen and a blend of cutting-edge ingredients, including Dynalift™.  It delivers smooth, supple and resilient skin.  All sound really good!!  I was so impatient the day I received this, I wanted to get home and try them out ASAP!)

加埋係法國製造! 無咩好擔心啦!

(English:  Made in France means great quality!!)


3-bottle set: HK$1,290
15-bottle set: HK$6,450
28-bottle set: HK$12,040


(English:  Small bottles make me feel like the ingredient is really concentrated!!)


使用次數(No. of Usage):7 days

用後感: 可唔可以用”不得了”嚟形容?  我第一次用個陣,係用差唔多半枝嘅份量去按摩皮膚(面同頸)! 嘩,按一小陣就吸sa。 仲要即時感覺到好緊(尤其係頸嘅位置)。 唔係講笑! 吸完之後我感覺到皮膚超滑,我總癲到係咁叫Mr Honey摸我塊面, 佢都問我搽咗咩鬼搞到”線”手!! 第一日已經好驚喜。  雖然我d毛孔唔大, 但係如果係超近距離, 我係見到我有d水滴型嘅毛孔。 原因簡單, 因為年紀越嚟越大, 無敵地心吸力嘅威力, 肌膚無以前咁緊緻。 正常嘅, 無理由人會唔老麻。 唯有用多d抗老產品去延遲佢啦! 我用咗呢個一星期, 唔單只皮膚線手,最正係我見d毛孔細咗好多, 同埋無咁水滴型喇。 讚讚讚! 同埋皮膚超有彈性, 有種豐盈感! 超有效!! 真係超級推!!  我最鍾意佢嘅效果好明顯, 用第一次已經feel到個difference, 用多幾次就已經見到效果! 貴婦價錢唔係問題, 最緊要效果快靚正!! 就係因為呢點, 佢已經成為我大愛膠原蛋白產品啦!

(English:  After-use Comment:  Can I use “OMG” to sum up?  The first time I used it, I used around half a bottle to massage on my face and neck!! OMG!!  It got absorbed really quickly and skin felt more resilient almost instantly (especially the neck area).  No kidding.  After it got absorbed, skin became exceptionally smooth and I was so hyper that I kept asking Mr Honey to touch my face!!  He asked what I applied to get this super smooth skin.  It was really surprising on the first day.  Well, my pores are not huge, but when I look at them really closely, I see their shape being like “water drops”.  That’s a sign of aging because as you get older, your skin loses elasticity and it can’t fight against gravity anymore.  Well, it’s perfectly fine as everyone gets old, right?  But it doesn’t harm to delay aging a bit with some wonderful products.  I have been using the black bottles for a week, not only the skin feels so much smoother, also the pores look a lot smaller and rounder.  Amazing!!!  Skin is resilient and supple!!  It’s really effective!!  I highly recommend it!!  I love the fact that it’s really effective within such a short period of time.  The royal price tag is not a problem if it works quickly, effectively and wonderfully!!  It becomes my beloved collagen product!!!)

後話: 用完晒三枝個感覺超失落!! 等我去完日本返嚟再去掃貨!! 你地應該會未來幾個月會見我再敗佢返嚟。 哈哈! 我對佢金樽(眼用)都好有興趣丫, 有sis係Facebook話俾我知金樽都好堅!!

(English:  Side-story:  I felt kinda sad after finishing the 3 bottles.  Let me return from Japan first and then I would go there and haul.  I think you will see these products on my blog/ video again very soon!  *Laughs*  Right…I am really interested in the golden bottle (for eyes) as well as a sister told me on Facebook that it works really great!!)

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