UGG Boots

我地差唔多要回春我先黎講UGG boots?哈哈,話說係咁,我早幾個月前同Mr Honey講話我無對UGG Boots,如果我地要去d凍d既國家,真係會凍到腳指變冰。 同埋我地諗住今年應該都會返去UK探Mr Honey既屋企人,所以佢好讚成我買定先,唔係到時要先買就通常都唔係咁鍾意。 我睇睇下見到呢對我覺得唔會著到腳板好大,我覺得佢個型比其他款修長d,所以就入定手喇。仲有,你地有跟我Facebook既話都知我三月去大板呀,我睇過三月都仲好似凍凍地,應該都可以著掛。

(English:  We are about to enter Spring and now I am talking about UGG boots?  *Laughs*  Yep, the story went back a few months’ time.  I told Mr Honey that I didn’t really own a pair of UGG boots and if we are going to any of the “cold places”, my toes would be frozen.  Plus we should head back to UK at some point this year to visit his family, so he encouraged me to take a look and possibly get a pair that I like, rather than, buy because I desperately need them (usually things bought out of desperation mean that you don’t really like them, but you need them).  I had been browsing and thought this one pair was really nice because they are of a slimmer fit, so my feet won’t look gigantic in them.  BTW, if you follow me on Facebook, you probably know that we are going to Osaka in March, I briefly looked at the weather and it seems to me that I could wear these babes during my time there.)

UGG Boots

Model No. 1013428 W/Grey

係,又係灰色。 我唔記得實際係幾多錢,我記得係二千頭咁上下。

(English:  Yep, there you go, it’s grey!  I can’t remember exactly how much but I remember it’s around the HK$2000 mark.)

如果你有興趣呢對鞋既話,我建議買大一號,因為我買大咗反而覺得係啱啱好。 佢比較修身既板型,所以買大少少會舒服d。

(English:  If you are interested in this pair, I suggest to buy a size up because I got a size up and it feels just right.  Again this is more slimming on the feet, so a bigger size means a bit more comfort.)

好可惜既係香港今年既冬天唔凍,所以我買左都無咩機會著。 我諗穿搭就真係要我去大板既時候大家睇vlog先見到喇(不過又無咩用啦,香港都熱喇。。。哈)

(English:  The sad thing is that Hong Kong didn’t have a cold winter this year, so I didn’t get a chance to wear this out.  I think for the entire outfit combo, you will need to wait till I go to Osaka (but then HK would be too hot to even think about UGG Boots….LOL).

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