山頂遊雜記 Tour Around the Peak

前個星期無無聊聊同亞Mr. Honey就左去山頂行下透下氣.  其實我覺得山頂無咩特別野睇, 最正既係行一個圈睇下風景咁.  Mr. Honey好興奮咁周圍影相, 我就負責俾風吹到癲左 (我地星期六去, 但係大風既程度簡直同3號風球有得fight – 好勁!!).

(English:  Last weekend, Mr. Honey and I went to The Peak to walk around.  Actually I don’t think The Peak is that interesting, the best part is probably the scenes.  Mr. Honey was so dedicated to taking photographs, and I … I was dedicated to be blown away by the strong wind (OMG!  We went on Saturday and the wind was like typhoon no. 3!!!!). Haha.)

我地未行個陣覺得有d肚餓,又見到有間新野開左, 所以就走左入去試.

(English:  Before walking on the trail, we were a bit hungry and decided to take a bite first.  We saw a new restaurant and we took the liberty to try.)

New York Fries

佢地主打係potato chips, 咁如果真係好餓, 佢地都有hot dogs既.  不過我就唔係太好hot dogs (我覺得佢地好悶), 所以我地試下佢d potato chips.

(English:  Their main dish is potato chips.  But if you are very hungry, they have hot dogs as well.  Well, I don’t like hot dogs (find them very boring).  Here were what we tried.)

我地叫左兩個餐.  其實potato chips黎講都真係幾貴wor, 一個餐有一兜potato chips + 小salad + 一杯野飲.  Potato chips有唔同味, 我地叫左Traditional (死…我唔係好記得, 總之係有sour cream啦) 同埋Black Pepper Beef.  d味都幾好, 不過成兜咁食都會有d悶.

(English:  We ordered 2 sets of meal – quite expensive indeed.  1 set includes some potato chips, a small salad and a drink.  There are different favors for the potato chips.  We ordered 1 Traditional (hmmm….I can’t remember….it’s the one with sour cream) and 1 Black Pepper Beef.  The taste was fine, but I found eating the whole thing a bit blend.)

我其實覺得我個日既打扮都唔似去山頂行, 我既裝束都係好似我平時去街咁 (笑).  山頂我就覺得無咩好講喇, 不如講下我個日既裝扮啦:

(English:  Actually my outfit for that day wasn’t that much for The Peak, it was just a normal outfit for me (like those I put on when I hang out *laughs*.  I don’t have much to talk about The Peak, how much my outfit instead?)

Leopard Jacket: HK$499 (@ October 1, Causeway Bay)

Black Top: Last season (can’t remember how much)

Dark Blue Jeans: RMB78 (@Taobao)
Flats: HK$399 (@ Laforet, Causeway Bay)
Red Bag: HK$180 (@ Ete)

件豹紋褸係今季買既, 大愛呀!!  佢薄薄地身而家著just right, 同埋你地都知我超愛豹紋啦, 所以見到即刻敗 (諗都唔洗諗).  正正正~~

(English:  I’m completely in love with the leopard jacket!! Thumbs-up!!  It’s quite thin and it’s really suitable for this weather.  Also, it’s leopard!!  How can I not love it?)

呢幾日我超愛用呢個紅色包包, 因為佢裝到我個長Miu Miu銀包, 電話各樣, 但係又唔會太大個.  最正係佢超紅, 好sharp!! 哈哈…感覺好retro!!

(English:  Oh and these days, I am very fond of this red bag.  The reason being is my long Miu Miu purse could fit in, also my iPhone and stuff.  It’s not too big and it’s in a very vibrant red color!!  Very eye-catching!!  Haha, it gives a very retro feeling!)

行完一輪山頂 (我就係俾風吹完一輪)之後, 我地走翻去銅鑼灣, 見好耐無行過HMV, 走左入去睇下.  其實我入去最主要既原因係敗外國雜誌 (都唔記得幾耐無敗過喇):

(English:  After walking around The Peak, we went to Causeway Bay.  It’s been awhile since we shopped at HMV.  We went in and got the following (magazines!! YAY!!):)

一敗我就敗左三本, 有Allure + Glamour (UK) + Instyle.  Allure同Glamour (UK)我就睇開既, 今次敗埋Instyle係因為我見佢好似有好多fashion野咁. 

(English:  I got 3 – Allure + Glamour (UK) + Instyle.  I usually read Allure and Glamour (UK).  I got Instyle this time as it appeals to me that it has more fashion stuff.)

另外仲買左隻CD, 呢期愛上Jessie J.  我記得佢好似出左新碟, 但係我係HMV見唔到, 所以買左舊個隻先.  愛上佢既原因大概係因為我地個名有d似 (笑), 佢個style好正, 同埋最緊要佢唱功好得!!

(English:  I got a CD as well as I have completely fallen in love with Jessie J these days.  I thought she had a new CD coming out, but I couldn’t find that in HMV, therefore, I got her first disc instead.  I love her because our names sound quite similar *laughs*, her style is brilliant and she sings amazingly.)

如果你無聽過佢既歌, 我介紹你聽呢隻丫 – Price Tag by Jessie J.  個MV好得意, 隻歌又好有意思:

(English:  If you haven’t heard her songs before, here is one that I would recommend you to start with – Price Tag by Jessie J.   The MV is fun and the song is meaningful, enjoy!!)

唔知你地覺得我呢個雜記點呢?  哈哈, 我就寫得幾開心喇, 可以講下唔同既野感覺好新鮮!! 呵呵~~

(English:  How do you like my piece?  Haha, I love writing about bits and pieces, it’s quite refreshing!! Hoho!!)

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