最舒服既鞋 | Tory Burch Minnie Travel Ballet Flats

一著愛上既鞋係我既世界裡面真係唔多,完全多得我對好怪既腳,著咩都會好刮,通常刮足一個星期先會好d。 就係因為咁,我屋企有好多鞋,但係老實講有d真係刮到無心機再著。不過自從我遇上佢,換鞋生涯又開始有d希望,因為唔刮得黎我對腳無損過,仲要好舒服,所以我有4對咁多。 如果你同我對腳一樣咁麻煩,你可以留意下佢丫。

(English:  In my world, I don’t have many pairs of shoes that I would fall in love straight away, thanks to my weird feet.  No matter what I wear, it takes a week to soften the material and make them slightly more bearable to wear.  Totally because of this, many of my collection are “untouched” and probably gathering dust.  However, the shoe story started to change when I finally came across these because they didn’t bite into my feet and they weren’t scratching my feet in any shape or form.  Quite on the contrary, they are very comfortable to wear, so that’s why I have 4 pairs.  If you have troublesome feet like mine, maybe these could become your favourites as well.)

Tory Burch Minnie Travel Ballet Flat – French Gray

佢地係摺得埋既,但係會彈翻開啦,所以我覺得呢個功能無咩用。 哈哈,不過對鞋本身係好輕同埋皮好軟。 我買個陣SA同我講話佢地呢款個板型係做闊咗,因為要就翻亞洲人對腳。 我覺得比我以前對Tory Burch係真係無咁窄身。

(English:  They are foldable but they come back open quite easily, so to me this function is not that useful.  *Laughs*  The shoes are very light and the leather is really soft.  SA told me the shape of the new Tory Burch is somewhat wider than the old ones, because they want to accommodate the Asian market and yes I agree that these ones are wider when compared to my old pair.)

Tory Burch Minnie Travel Ballet Flat – Orange

Tory Burch Minnie Travel Ballet Flat – Burgundy

Tory Burch Minnie Travel Ballet Flat – Metallic

我唔敢講話個個著咗都會唔刮,因為每個人對腳既板型都唔一樣,不過如果你好灰心搵唔到啱你既鞋,我覺得你都可以一試。 我買呢款覺得足碼,買翻自己著開既碼數就可以喇。 仲有,我自己就全部係專門店買,但係價錢比較貴,HK$2,380一對,勝在係有得試同埋顏色齊d。 我見網上有兩間店都有,我都有係呢兩間網店買開野,所以都安全既。 款色唔係好多得揀,但係價錢平幾百,可以參考下:Shopbop OR Farfetch

(English:  I am not going to say it’s definitely comfortable for everyone because our feet are somewhat different.  However, if you have been looking for a long time and can’t seem to find anything amazing, I would recommend you give this a go and let’s see if these fit you well.  These Minnies come in full size, so just choose for your normal size is fine.  Also, I got them all from the Tory Burch store, but the prices run a bit high – HK$2,380 per pair.  The good thing is that you can try them on immediately and they do have a better colour selection.  There are a couple online stores (which I had bought from before) carry the Minnies whose prices run a good few hundreds lower, the downsize is that there are not many colours to choose from.  Well, you can still check them out for reference: Shopbop OR Farfetch)

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