[時尚] 我的第一對Tory Burch平底鞋

Tory Burch嘅平底鞋出名好著我都聽咗好耐喇。 其實我真係好想知事實又係咪真係咪咁好著呢? 我去日本前已經好燒好想敗, 但係諗諗下, 應該日本之旅都會血流成河, 所以都係返嚟先算! 終於係幾個星期前我去左Lane Crawford買左一對試下(好想死, 買完幾個星期, 而家Lane Crawford同Tory Burch專門店都做sale, 我無行入去睇咩價錢, 免得自己覺得買貴咗! 哈哈!)。 我揀呢對都算係最classic嘅一個款:

(English:  Tory Burch Flats are really renowned for comfort and I have read/ heard so much about it.  Actually I really want to know if they live up to their name.  Prior going to Japan, I wanted to get a pair, but then I thought that I would spend a great deal in shopping anyway, let’s wait till I get back.  A few weeks ago, I decided to go to Lane Crawford to get my first pair (it sucks, after I got mine, now Lane Crawford and Tory Burch are having sale – dah!!  I don’t even go near the products just to make sure I don’t get myself upset about the discounted prices!).  Anyway, I picked a pair that is really classic:)

價錢(Price):HK$2,180/ pair

其實佢都有好多顏色可以揀, 但係我揀咗金色, 因為我多數都係黑媽媽打扮, 所以我反而會買d比較sharp顏色嘅鞋去spice up一下! 同埋我真係好鍾意隻金色, 好易襯!

(English:  They have many colors to choose from indeed, but I picked the gold ones simply because I always dress in black and I usually go for bright shoes to spice up my look a bit.  Also, I really love gold color, it’s really easy to manage!)

價錢當然一d都唔平民啦! 但係每當近睇, 我見所有detail都做得咁好嘅時候, 我都覺得值回票價! 尤其係一d車線位, 靚唔靚一睇就會睇到功駕!  講真, 我買衫買鞋好少買貴野, 但係當我行街見d不知明既鞋係d boutique度都賣成600-800蚊(仲要無咩特別), 我突然間覺得Tory Burch都唔係貴(我真係一個好適得安慰自己嘅人)!

(English:  They are definitely not cheap!  But everytime when I look at them closely, I see every single detail is made with dedication and delicacy, I think they’re worth every penny.  Honestly, I don’t usually go for pricey clothes or shoes, but when I find that some “unknown” branded shoes cost around HKD600-HKD800 in some small boutiques, I suddenly feel that Tory Burch Flats are not that expensive (yea, I know how to comfort myself when it’s needed!)

買就買咗喇, 究竟係咪真係咁好著呢?  先講我對腳係著咩都會刮, 同埋我多數每次著新鞋都會痛足一個星期(除咗Jipi Japa對平底鞋之外)。 我著呢對頭個三日都有少少痛, 但係就無刮到對腳爛哂, 但係過咗三日之後, d皮軟咗就完全無事。 我鍾意佢個底夠厚, 好實正, 行個時唔會覺得兩腳係行緊地下。 我越著就越鍾意呢款鞋, 因為就算行得耐都好舒服, 唔會痛!! 加上本身對鞋唔過重, 步伐可以好輕盈,感覺好好丫!! 行街返工都好襯!! 超正!! 我會回購呀!! 而家睇緊下次敗咩色! 哈哈!!

(English:  So…are they really comfortable to wear?  Let me start off with telling you something about my feet.  No matter what I wear, my feet would get scratched by new shoes also it usually takes a week of painful experience to turn the shoes into reasonably comfortable ones (apart from the Jipi Japa flats).  When I first wore this pair, there was a bit pain for the first 3 days, my feet were just sore but they weren’t scratched seriously or anything like that.  After 3 days, the leather got softer and my feet were fine.  I love the fact that the bottom of the shoes are solid and when I walk, I don’t feel like I am walking with bare feet.  The more I wear them, the more I love them because they are really comfortable even though I walk in them for a long time.  They don’t hurt me a single bit anymore.  Also, the shoes are not too heavy and I don’t feel any extra weight on my feet, which is great!  They can be worn for work or just a causal day out and they can be matched with different outfits and still look great!!  I love them!!  I will definitely purchase another pair and I have already started to see which color I want to get next time *laughs*!!)

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