[化妝] 自然搶眼眼妝必備 ♥ Too Faced Natural at Night Palette

因為準備係未來拍更加多既化妝片,所以我呢期都買咗唔少化妝品!! 一來可以review一下,二來又可以用黎拍下片俾大家睇下效果,三來用新野人都開心d(唔係話舊野唔好,但係睇得多都悶啦)!! 以前要買外國品牌真係難過登天,而家都唔係易,但係起碼某d網站都賣外國品牌之餘仲係全球免運費!! 我睇睇下我成日買開野個網站,見佢有Too Faced,我好好好耐無用過呢個品牌喇,佢既包裝都好靚,同埋佢同Urban Decay同廠,所以我知佢既quality都唔錯,我見下面呢個palette d色係啡tone得黎我屋企又無同類顏色,所以我就敗左喇!!

(English:  In the preparation of my future makeup tutorial videos (excuse!), I have been hauling quite a few makeup items these days!!  I guess I could review them, use them in the videos and excite myself by using something new (I am not saying oldies are not great, but it’s quite boring to use the same thing again and again)!!  Well previously, it was really hard to get our hands on some foreign brands (still not that easy for particular brands).  Now, at least a couple websites offer a selection of foreign brands with free international shipping.  I have been hauling on one website and I see that it has Too Faced products.  It had been a really good while since I last explored Too Faced products.  They have really nice packaging and they are from the same company as Urban Decay, so I have confidence in its quality.  The following palette caught my eye because it’s in neutral tone and I have nothing similar at home, so I got it…)

Too Faced Natural At Night

Sexy & Sultry Neutral Eye Shadow Collection


Lookfantastic Price: £28.00 (free international shipping) at Product Link

Discount: use voucher code “HAKME” (valid till July 7th, 2013) to get 10% off your order or use voucher code “SPEND40” (valid till July 2nd, 2013) to spend £40 and get £5 off your order

Please note that some brands/ offers cannot get the above discount!!

個盒入面有眼影,仲有一包Shadow Insurance既sample!! 正!! 我都想試Shadow Insurance好耐,我好想知佢好唔好得過UD Eyeshadow Primer Potion!

(English:  Inside the box, there are the palette and a sample of Shadow Insurance!!  NICE!!! I have been wanting to try Shadow Insurance for a awhile and compare it with UD Eyeshadow Primer Potion!!)



用後感: 我覺得佢個包裝好正!! 佢既顏色selection都好好,深淺色都齊哂,同埋Cocoa Star同Spotlight都係matte既顏色,如果唔喜歡成眼都好閃既人又可以用呢兩個色去tune down翻其他顏色。 我覺得呢個palette個名都改得無錯,我覺得佢真係好啱夜晚用或者好鍾意smokey eyes既人用(我),自然tone既smokey eyes唔誇張得黎又好sultry!! 如果日頭用都得,不過我覺得如果日用多或者係好鍾意自然look既話,就揀Urban Decay Naked 1 or 2 好d(呢度都有賣:Click Link)。  佢既質地真係唔洗多講,佢同Urban Decay一樣都係無敵上色,唔洗用好多就好出色,同埋佢都算係比較creamy既粉狀,所以好好blend!!  我自己好愛啡系既眼影!! 雖然我有UD Naked 1同2,但係我覺得Too Faced呢盒好唔同,我隻隻色都超鍾意丫!! 我遲少少會用佢整d look俾大家睇下!! 如果你都好鍾意啡系眼影,我覺得呢盒都好值得投資,一定會成日用!! 哈哈!! 有興趣就去呢度買:Click Link

(English:  Product Review:  Love the packaging!!  The color selection is good because there are both light and dark colors and matte (Cocoa Star & Spotlight) and shimmery textures.  If you don’t fancy of having too much of a bling eyelid, you could definitely use the matte colors to tune down the shimmery colors.  I feel that the name of the palette is very appropriate as well.  It is perfect for people to use for a night out or someone who loves smokey eyes (me).  Neutral tone smokey eyes are the best because they are not over the top and sultry at the same time!  To use it in the day time?  It’s fine too, but I think if you want to look for something more for a day look or a total natural look, then you might want to pick Urban Decay Naked 1 or 2 instead (available here: Click Link).  Its texture is brilliant too, as good as Urban Decay’s.  It’s super pigmented, creamy and easy to blend!!  I really love neutral tone eyeshadows.  Even though I own UD Naked 1 and 2, I feel this Too Face one is completely different and I love every color inside the palette.  I will definitely use it to create some looks and share them with you.  If you are a lover for neutral tone eyeshadows, I feel this palette is worth your investment because you will use it all the time *laughs*!!  If you are interested, you can buy it from here: Click Link!!





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