[化妝] 評一評 Too Faced Chocolate Bar Eye Shadow Collection

呢個palette都出左一段時間,但係我都係兩個星期前先入手! 其實因為我係想分析唔同既nude/大地色系既palette,所以近期入手左唔同既品牌,唔同既價錢! 今次我會出哂試色圖同逐個分享下先,之後先再做一個video集合埋我既評價一齊分享! 係呀! 我其實有好多video想做,不過每一個我都要用一d時間去做research同試野,咁要等等我啦! 言歸正傳先,今日先講下呢個Too Faced Chocolate Bar!! 哈哈~~

(English:  This palette has been out for awhile but I just decided to get it recently!  The reason is that I want to do a gigantic review on nude/ earth-tone palettes, so I got my hands them from different brands and at different price points!  I am thinking this time, I am going to release my review and swatches on each one of them, and then I will do a video to bundle up my comments to share!  Yes, actually I have quite a lot of videos that I want to do, but I need time to research and try the products for each of them, so please be patient with me!  Right, back to the topic today – here we go:)

Too Faced Chocolate Bar Eye Shadow Collection


(English: The prices are different on different websites, I am quoting them down below and you can make your decision!)


Buy from:

1. Beauty Bay (Price: around HK$352)

**呢個網站我買過一兩次,大概兩星期收到! 都OK既!

(English: **I have only purchased once or twice here, it takes around 2 weeks for the products to arrive.)

2. Look Fantastic (Price: around 45GBP)

**呢個網站我就成日都買,都係兩星期收到! 暫時無試過唔見野!我個palette都係呢度買,不過價錢貴成HK$100。

(English: **I am a frequent shopper on this website and it also takes around 2 weeks for the products to arrive.  So far, I receive my parcel every single time.  I bought mine here, but the price is HK$100 more.)


(English:  You will find 14 eyeshadows and 2 highlights inside.  It’s said to be made with 100% natural cocoa powder!!)

Product Information:

“The Too Faced Chocolate Bar Eye Shadow Collection will allow you to create a range of versatile looks that are perfect for both daytime and evening wear. Containing a selection of 16 matte and shimmer shades, the eye shadows are formulated with pure, antioxidant-rich cocoa powder, so each time you open the palette you’ll be greeted with the irresistible scent of chocolate!

Highly pigmented and easy to blend, the eye shadows will perfectly complement each other, so you can achieve a professional look every time. From soft pinks to rich browns and plum hues, the palette contains a shade to suit your every mood. The ‘how-to’ Glamour Guide will also show you how to create three looks, so you have a bit of inspiration to get you started. – L.M.”

試色圖/ Swatches:

簡單用後感: 佢真係有好香既朱古力味! 哈哈,未打開都聞到,呢個就係佢既賣點! 除咗香味之外,我覺得顏色方面,唔係全部都係大地色係,有粉紅色,亦都有紫色,令到個palette都有少少變化,唔係一味得啡色啦! 如果有日你想girly或者有顏色一d,咁都有d唔同既顏色可以做配搭。 呢點就睇你自己有無咁既需要同埋鍾唔鍾意佢入面既色啦! 我覺得上色度,又係同出面其他既palette/eyeshadow一樣,閃既比唔閃既出色好多! 以上既圖全部都無用primer打底,閃既畫一下已經好出色,但係唔閃既我要畫3下! 我唔係太surprised,因為我之前都分享過唔閃既眼影係比閃既眼影難做得出色! 呢點要睇下你接唔接受到! 唔閃既個質感好粉,無咁buttery,無咁出色,但係你可以搽幾次去build你想要既深度! 閃既呢,就好出色,好creamy,好易blend,用少少都好上色,同埋閃得唔浮誇既! 我自己overall都覺得呢個palette唔錯,如果你鍾意佢既顏色,朱古力味同佢既外貌,我覺得都可以入手! 但係如果你話有幾個色你都唔係好sure,你又唔係咁介意佢有無朱古力味同埋你好想隻隻顏色都好出色既話呢,我就覺得唔啱你喇! 哈哈~~

(English:  Quick Review: It has a strong chocolate scent!  Hahaha, you can smell it even before you open it and this is the unique selling point!  Apart from the scent, I feel that the colors are not all earth-tone, it has a pink and a purple, so it adds some varieties to the palette!  If you suddenly want something girly or colorful, you will get a couple colors to pair up!  Well I guess this really depends on your personal taste and needs!  For the pigmentation, it’s similar to every other matte and shimmery palette out in the market, the shimmery colors are way more pigmented than the matte ones!  I haven’t used any primer in my above photos, for the shimmery one, 1 stroke is enough to bring the colors out, but for the matte ones, it takes 3 strokes!  I am not too surprised as I keep saying before, matte colors are harder to get the pigmentation right than the shimmery colors!  So you have to see if you can accept this point!  Matte ones are quite powdery, not that buttery and not that pigmented, but you can definitely apply a few times to get the intensity that you want!  For the shimmery ones, they are very pigmented, very creamy, easy to blend and a tiny bit goes a long way!  The shimmers are not over the top as well!  Overall, I quite like the palette myself.  If you like its colors, chocolate scent and outlook, then I feel that you would probably enjoy it!  However, if you are not too sure about a few of the colors, you are not fascinated by the chocolate scent and you are looking for intense pigmentation from each colors, then this is not for you!  Haha~~)



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