[化妝] Too Cool For School ♥ Pudding Aqua Shaking BB Cream

延續我對Too Cool For School的熱情, 繼續講下佢嘅產品!我諗我既熱情咁火都係因為我佢既價錢真係可以用好平黎形容(對比起其他牌子)。 我買黎用黎寫都唔覺得好肉痛, 何況佢d野又真係唔錯! 今日講下佢隻BB Cream先, 我記得佢都有幾隻, 但係我當然無敗sa啦, 敗咗一隻jar(咁我得一塊面麻)。 呢隻都幾hit下, 等我講下我對佢既感覺先!

(English:  Continue with my Too Cool For School Week!  I think there is a good reason for me to be so passionate on this brand, it is because it’s CHEAP (compared to other brands)!!!!  I didn’t feel so guilty when I hauled them to write about them and also they have some good stuff!  Let me talk about its BB Cream today.  I recalled they have a few in the line but of course I didn’t haul them all (I have only got 1 face lol).  I picked this because it’s a hit item and let me tell you what I think!)

Too Cool For School Pudding Aqua Shaking BB Cream
SPF40/ PA++

價錢(Price):HK$200/ 45ml

個Beauty Blender係送既!

(English:  It comes with the Beauty Blender lol!)


On Hand:

On Face:

使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

用後感:一見佢個packing就好開心! 好得意呀(女仔真係易氹)!! 呢隻BB Cream叫Aqua BB係因為佢係有70%水份。 呢隻BB Cream既主打係保濕, 咁我又有興趣, 因為多數用BB Cream未必好推, 同埋有d真係好厚, 淨係試上手都唔會敗翻屋企喇。 你見呢隻Aqua BB個質感唔杰身同埋好易推得開。 我上面既時候點幾點之後用個Beauty Blender推開, 我覺得個效果好貼好薄, 同埋真係覺得幾水(保濕), 唔厚唔痴lup lup, 皮膚好滑!! 我之後都會上少少碎粉, 因為我覺得咁係最爽! 呢隻Aqua BB有微量閃粉, 但係真係唔多同唔覺眼, 要好留意先見到幾粒, 所以唔驚。 上面都好自然!! 佢有兩隻色, 一隻係俾白皮膚, 另一隻就俾自然膚色, 我用自然色個隻都唔覺得過白, 所以OK! 我另外鍾意佢防曬度夠高, 成SPF40, 掂, 唔洗另加防曬產品! 不過佢都有個缺點, 就係唔多控油, 如果你係油性肌膚, 你一定要用控油野打底先, 千萬唔好依賴佢幫你控油呀!! 雖然佢唔控油, 但係佢無變暗同溶, 所以我覺得都OK(我油唔多)。 遮瑕方面我就覺得一般, 紅係遮到, 我覺得佢係算一般coverage啦, 因為佢係BB cream, 如果你話要好勁遮瑕就唔啱你喇。 我就幾鍾意呢隻BB Cream喇!! 我覺得HK$200黎講, 效果質量都好唔錯, 好抵用!! 正呀!!平平地真係用得過!! 推推推!!! 如果以前有bad experience with BB Cream, 你可以試下呢隻丫! 另有一個感覺呀!!

(English:  Product Review:  The packaging makes me happy!!  The girl is very fun (some women are easy to please)!!  This BB Cream is called Aqua BB because it is consisted of 70% water.  Its main selling point is hydrating and I am quite interested because many other BB creams are hard to blend and some of even thick, trying them on hand decreases my desire of bring them home.  As you can see that the texture of Aqua BB is like pudding and it’s easily blendable.  I usually spot a few on my face and then use the beauty blender to blend out, I feel that the effect is very thin and natural and it’s quite hydrating.  It’s not thick and doesn’t leave a sticky feeling.  Skin is smoother after use as well.  I would follow with some loose powder because I like to feel totally “refreshed”.  This Aqua BB has a tiny bit of sparkles in it, but it’s almost invisible and it looks really natural on face.  It has two colors for selection, one is for fair skin and the other one is for natural skin color.  I use the natural one and it’s not too white!!  Brilliant!!  Another point that I love is that it has SPF40 and I don’t need to use another sunscreen!!  Great!!  BUT (there is always a BUT) its oil-controlling function is not great, if you have oily skin types, you must use an oil-controlling thing underneath first, don’t rely on this for your oil-control!  Even though its oil-control function is not great, it doesn’t oxidize and melt, so I still give it a thumbs-up!!  For coverage, I think it’s with an Okay coverage, it covers the redness really well.  Since it’s BB cream, I won’t expect too much coverage from it.  If you are looking for a higher coverage foundation, this is not suitable.  I personally quite like this BB Cream.  For HK$200, its effect and quality are really good!!  Fab!!!  I absolutely love the price tag!!!!  Highly recommended!!!!!  If you have any previous bad experience with BB Cream, you can go try this one out, I think you will have another view on BB Cream!!)

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