[化妝] Too Cool For School ♥ Party Time 眼影組

包裝精緻通常都會深得女仔心,但係有無內涵就好難講。每當我試一個新品牌既時候,我都會買下佢地既眼影,睇下質量好唔好。 Too Cool For School都有好多眼影,但係我就買左一粒試咗先,同埋我見佢地單色個d鮮色得好緊要,唔係成日搽到,所以放棄左。反而我覺得我揀呢粒幾全面,可以作深入調查!哈哈!

(English:  Lovely packaging usually can win a lady’s heart but it doesn’t always guarantee good quality.  Every time when I try a new brand, I usually get an eyeshadow to try as well to see if it lives up to my standard (well I am an eyeshadow maniac, ain’t I?).  There are many eyeshadows from Too Cool For School but I only picked one because some of the colors of their single eyeshadows are so bright that they scare me *laughs*.  I don’t think I have that much of a use of those bright colors, so I gave them up.  Indeed, I quite like the one that I picked up because it covers a couple things and I can investigate fully *laughs*!!)

Too Cool For School Dual Eyeshadow & Eye Base

價錢(Price): HK$130/ set

一粒產品有兩隻色既眼影同埋一個cream eyeshadow(BA話可以用黎做打底)!上面係粉狀eyeshadow下面就係cream eyeshadow喇!

(English:  There
are 2-colored powder eyeshadows and a cream eyeshadow which comes in
the package (BA mentioned that the cream eyeshadow can be used as an
eyeshadow primer).  The above layer is consisted of the 2-colored eyeshadows and the bottom layer is consisted of the cream eyeshadow!)


買完第二日即刻用,化咗以下既眼妝。打底眼影全部用佢, 係條眼線我由平日既黑色變咗啡色。

(English:  I couldn’t wait to test it out the very next day.  I used this to create the following look.  I used the cream eyeshadow as base and then the powder eyeshadows.  I changed the eyeliner from black to brown to suit the look.)

使用次數(No. of Usage):3 times

用後感:先講個可以當打底既眼影膏先,我覺得佢真係好閃,閃粉亦都比較大粒,如果單搽會有好閃(好似去P咁)既效果。但係當打底真係唔得喇,雖然佢係cream狀,理應係會痴住d粉狀eyeshadow,但係因為佢閃份大粒,所以令到d粉唔係好平滑。同埋我覺得佢痴得唔好,因為我過咗兩個鐘已經見我眼肚有好多眼影(痴唔實,眨眼眨到眼影跌咗落眼肚)。呢個cream eyeshadow我覺得唔好當base喇,去P用啦。 如果講佢兩隻粉狀既eyeshadow,我反而覺得呢兩隻色好靚好實用。同埋出黎個妝感係smokey得黎都好親民。佢粉狀呢隻個質地好好,好柔細,閃粉唔太大粒同埋好上色(仲上色過某d MAC eyeshadows), 我覺得粉狀呢個真係要讚!! 全面睇既話,我覺得呢個系列既眼影都買得過(好似仲有另外兩隻色),但係唔好當個cream eyeshadow係base, 要用翻平時用既base,咁之後再用個粉狀眼影就好靚喇!!以佢既價錢都買得過,因為佢兩個色都比起某D品牌一個色平,加埋佢packing靚, 朝早用心情會好好!哈!!

(English:  Product Review: Let me first talk about the cream eyeshadow, it’s super bling and the glitter is quite big. Using it alone would create a very bling effect (like going to a Party).  I don’t think it’s the most appropriate thing to use as an eyeshadow primer.  Even though it’s cream base, logically it should glue the powder eyeshadows together.  The downside is that the glitter pigments are too big and it creates a rough surface and I don’t feel that it particularly glues anything that well because I discover that many of my eyeshadows fall on my under eye area after a couple hours (due to not-so-good gluing effect and my blinking).  I don’t think it could be used effectively as a base, leave it till party time.  On the other hand, for the powder eyeshadows, I feel that the two colors are brilliant and would be of good use.  The effect is a bit smokey but still look like the girl next door.  The powder is of very fine texture, the shimmer is quite fine as well and it’s very pigmented (even more pigmented than some of MAC eyeshadows)!  For its price, the two colors work out cheaper than some of the single eyeshadows out there, so I think it’s still worth a try!  Plus the packing is really fun, using it on the morning is like adding some fun to the day!!! *Winks*)

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