[保養] Too Cool For School ♥ Egg Mousse Pack

韓風好行!吹到我呢!我之前都聽過Too Cool For School黎咗香港,但係因為佢係TST,我少過海,所以無點睇過!不過星期六個日有驚喜丫! 我同Mr Honey去Hysan Place度8下(我係想去火燒連環bra!哈哈哈!),我見到6/F有Too Cool for School個counter!即刻飛過去望下。睇睇下就買咗幾樣野喇!好抵呀! 我個日買咗幾樣野都係HK$908賣單!!嘻嘻!!如果個個品牌價錢都咁平民就好喇!!好喇,你地有心理準備未?我呢期日日都會review Too Cool For School既野,免得我又過sa期先出文。同埋我post咗相係Facebook之後見你地都有興趣知好唔好用,咁我就出咗先啦!免得俾親愛既你地追殺我(今次係咪好乖先?)!

(English:  Korean stuff are in vogue for awhile and this time I got really interested in a brand.  I have heard about Too Cool For School arriving at Hong Kong, but since the store is in TST, I seldom go over there, therefore I didn’t get to try their stuff!!  Oh well, I was quite surprised on Saturday though, Mr Honey and I went to Hysan Place for fun (Yea I wanted to get more bras lol), then I saw a Too Cool For School counter on 6/F!!  I immediately went over to take a look and of course, I ended up with a few things!!  NICE!!!  I got so many things and the total was like HK$908!!  *Winks*  I wish every brand is with a friendly price tag *laughs*!!  Right, ready yet?  I will be issuing review posts on Too Cool For School stuff because I don’t want to be late again.  Also I posted the picture of the haul on Facebook and I could tell that some of you are very interested to see if the stuff works or not, so I prioritize their pieces first!  I am good, ain’t I?)


(English:  I want to talk about their Egg Mousse Mask today, I am not sure if it’s egg white or the whole egg, but somehow I know it’s related to the EGG!!! I tried it on the weekend and I immediately fell in love with it!!)

Too Cool For School Egg Mousse Pack

價錢(Price):HK$130/ 150ml



(English:  The mask is in mousse format, have to massage it for a min (so that it heats up a bit, only a tiny bit), then let it sit for 3 mins, you will see the bubble gone and the mask turns transparent.  Rinse after 3 mins.  Done!  The whole process takes around 5 mins!)

使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

用後感:佢個function我copy出黎都都無用,寫韓文!我記得佢話係保濕美白咁上下。我初初敷個陣覺得好搞野,因為d泡泡會爆爆下無左,但係係見皮膚吸咗野,吸完個樣都幾似搽左蛋白咁(細個真係有敷DIY蛋白面膜,但係真係OMG地臭!)。佢無咩好特別既味,所以感覺都良好! 敷完我就去過水!過完水個下真係叮一聲,因為真係白咗, 仲要幾明顯下,因為感覺上我個眼圈黑咗(對比)。掂呀!!! 保濕我反而就唔係好覺,但係就唔乾,同埋摸落幾滑下!哈哈!!最正係我敷完覺得好緊呀!!!!!! 仲要好耐都仲覺得緊呀!!!! 正正正!!!個白既感覺初初係第二日就打回原型,但係我發覺敷多幾次之後就開始見個白既感覺last耐咗! BA話可以日日用,但係其實一個星期用三次都夠喇! 我自己真係超級愛上個緊同埋白既感覺! 呢個mask成為我大愛之一喇!!!仲要價錢平民得黎有咁好嘅效果,真係掂!!!! 試得過呀!!! 推推推!!正!你地而家有無睇到好燒丫?

(English:  There is no need to copy and paste the function of this mask because it’s in Korean!  I recalled they said it’s for hydrating and whtiening.  At first, I felt rather funny using it because the bubble would burst and they would get absorbed.  After it’s absorbed, the feeling was like there was egg white on the surface of skin (I used to DIY those egg white face mask when I was younger and it was OMG smelly!)  It doesn’t have a strong scent, so it was rather comfortable to my nose!  After the bubble is gone, it’s rinsing time!  Instantly, I notice my face is brightened up (quite obvious) because by comparison my dark circles get darker!  Brilliant!!  I don’t feel it’s very hydrating but it definitely doesn’t dry out skin.  When I touch my skin, it feels really smooth!!  The most amazing thing is the tightening function, my skin feels so tight afterwards!!!!!  And that tightening feeling lasts for a good while!!!!  Great!!  At first, the brightening effect doesn’t last that long, it goes back to normal the next day, but I discover that the more I use this mask, the long the brightening effect lasts!  BA said it can be used daily but I feel that 3 times a week is probably enough.  I am super in love with the tightening and brightening feeling!  This mask has become one of my beloved!!!  Reasonably-priced with great results!!  Brilliant!!  I highly recommend this to anyone!!  Very tempted eh?)

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