[化妝] Too Cool For School 可愛胭脂 Artclass Blusher

我為咗呢個胭脂去左Too Cool For School次,原因係第一次BA唔記得拎俾我,所以我要再去過買。不過我覺得都值得既,因為佢個樣真係好可愛丫。真係令我諗起讀書個陣既Artclass, 我最鍾意就係Artclass。 話時話,都真係好耐無畫過野,以前成日都畫下野,不過而家有電腦就無玩畫公仔。我成日都想去學素描(培養下氣質),但係又唔見有咩course啱成人(同埋多數都要我過海~~好懶)。畫就畫唔成,不過可以化下自己塊面當係畫畫既一種!!哈哈!!而家你知我點解咁buy呢個packing啦!

(English:  Because of this blusher, I went to Too Cool For School twice.  The first time the BA forgot to give me the blusher and I had to go back again.  But it’s worth the trip because it looks really fun!!!!!!  It reminds me of the art class when I was in school and I did have a thing for art class!!  Now come to think of it, I haven’t been drawing anything for so long, I used to do some drawing but now I have all the gadgets and I basically got sucked into gaming and such.  Actually I really want to go and learn sketching (well beatify my inner self lol), but I haven’t seen any course which is interesting enough for adults (some classes are on the Kowloon side, I am too lazy!).  Well, I guess I could treat my face as a canvas and have some fun with cosmetics!! Now you know why I love this packaging so much!)

Too Cool For School Artclass Blusher


使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times
用後感:呢枝野細細字個樣真係好過癮!!佢有兩個色揀,因為我膚色深,所以我揀咗Peachy, 另外有隻粉紅色,白d既女仔用好啱, 我試過隻粉紅色上手,俾我個感覺係搽完有好氣色個種,唔錯!! 好,講下個質感先,佢個質感係枝出黎係cream狀,但係按上面之後會變粉狀!我超buy呢點,真係我真係唔鍾意個面痴lup lup, 所以佢會變粉就係perfect!!仲要佢個texture超好推,唔會一達達! 佢有少少閃粉係入面,但係就唔係好覺眼,上面好自然有少少光澤! 我初頭都錯手枝咗幾多下,但係我越按就越覺得佢個色blend得好好,真係好似同d皮膚溶埋,好似皮膚本身有好氣息咁!! 好掂呀!!!! 同埋佢都算係long-lasting, 我返咗成日工都仲有顏色係個面到!! 咁平既價錢,品質真係無得頂!!!!超愛呢枝野丫!!!好好好好用!!!大愛!!!如果你地鍾意用cream胭脂/想揾隻好自然既胭脂,去玩下呢隻丫!推推推呀!

(English:  Product Review:  This is a very small tube but it actually looks pretty fun!  It has two colors, since my skin color is tan, so I opt for the Peachy color instead.  The other one is a pink color and suits people with fair skin better.  I tried the pink one on hand and the color looks really cool, it gives the finish touch of having good skin with pinky cheeks!  NICE!!  Right, let me talk about the texture.  It’s cream to powder form.  When you squeeze this out from the tube, it’s in cream form, then when you massage this onto your skin, it turns into powder format.  I am super in love with the texture because I don’t like my face to be sticky in any sense (therefore I seldom use any cream blush)!  It’s super easy to blend as well.  It contains a small amount of sparkle but it’s almost invisible on skin, it gives a slight natural glow to the cheek areas!  At first, I used too much force and squeezed too much product, when I massaged it on my skin, it started to blend in really well with my skin without looking ridiculous.  It looks like it melts with the skin and it has become part of my real skin color (amazing?).  So natural and it doesn’t even look like I have makeup on!  Brilliant!!!  Also, it’s quite long-lasting as well, it lasts me a day in office no problem!!  The price is definitely reasonable and the quality is amazing!!  I am super in love with this!!  If you love using cream blush or are on the look for a natural looking blush, go play with this one at the counter and see if you like this!  I highly recommend this!!!)

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