Tony Moly x LaBiotte Wine Lip Tint

大家都知我好少試韓國產品,護膚品我真係唔係好用得,用咩韓國牌都搞到爛面,所以我都放棄喇。 反而化妝品好少少,我有d都啱用,所以久唔時我都想同大家分享一下。 呢款我入咗手一段時間,但係一路都唔記得左,我記得係Logon買既,用左幾次同大家分享下先。

(English:  You all know that I seldom try Korean beauty products.  I just can’t be bothered with their skincare items because each time I would get serious allergies, and I just had to give up for my skin’s sake.  However, for makeup, some of them are quite nice, so I do want to share my findings with you.  I got these awhile back but as usual, I forgot their existence until I did some major clear out.  I remember I got these in Logon and I have used them a few times, so let’s go!)

Tony Moly x LaBiotte Wine Lip Tint

Tony Moly Wine Lip Tint

Tony Moly Wine Lip Tint


Tony Moly Wine Lip Tint

Left to Right: RD01, RD02, RD03, OR01, CR01, PK01

佢叫lip tint,有幾個色都幾唔錯,上咀有色得黎都唔會一達達,過左一陣有少少乾。 不過我覺得最大問題唔係佢有d乾,而係佢個色真係痴住個咀。 搽既時間耐左,飲水各樣都會令個色淡咗,但係佢淨餘既顏色真係痴實個咀,無論我用咩黎卸都好,都仲會有d色痴實個咀唔甩,搞到第二日我要搽另外d唇膏遮住先敢出街。兩日後當然甩哂,但係我覺得好麻煩同埋即刻感覺麻麻地。 持久當然係好,但係都要易卸,咁樣痴實好得人驚! 除非你正正係想揾d咁樣痴實個咀既野,否則我都唔推介喇!!

(English: It’s called lip tint and there are a few colours that are quite nice.  It runs quite smooth on the lips and doesn’t go patchy, however, my lips do feel dry after awhile.  The biggest issue I have with these is not that it’s drying, it’s the colours really got stuck on my lips.  No matter what kind of makeup removers I use (trust me, I try everything at home and I have tons of makeup removers), they just leave a tint behind!  For the next day, I can’t go out with bare lips, I have to use another lipstick to cover the colour up!  Of course, they do come off after a couple days, but the general feeling is not great!  Longevity is good but it’s equally important to be easily removable.  I find the experience of them not coming off entirely terrifying.  Unless you are looking for something like this, otherwise, I don’t recommend these at all.)

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