[保養] 可以抗菌既toner

Michael Todd True Organics (MTTO) 呢期係外國紅到爆咗! 咁紅既野點會無我份? 哈哈!! 我正再測試好多枝佢地既產品當中,睇下邊隻最work再入佢地去黑咪小店! 係呀,我講過話我唔會全部野都入,我只會入我覺得一個品牌當中最正既產品! 佢地咁多產品當中,我最心急同最快要同大家報告既就係呢枝可以抗菌既toner喇~

(English:  Michael Tod True Organics (MTTO) has been a very hot topic overseas!  When it gets so many rave reviews, how could I miss out?  Haha!!  I have been testing quite a few of their products and see which ones are the best to land into Hakme’s Store!  Yes, I only sell the best so I won’t be getting the full line of products!  Out of their so many products, this one really got my attention and I want to tell you straight away~)

Michael Todd True Organics 

Blue Green Algae Antibacterial Toner

你睇下Coco既愛佢!! 哈哈~~

(English:  See, Coco loves it very much!!! Haha~~)

價錢(Price):HK$185/ 250ml 

Buy from 黑咪小店 or My Secret 澳門漁人碼頭西班牙館II 02舖)

Product Information:

“Take a whiff.  This organic toner’s fragrance of fresh lavendar with a hint of birchwood will have you thinking you just stepped into a luxury spa.

Rich in vital nutrients, trace elements and amino acids, blue green algae and organic kelp in a base of soothing aloe vera juice penetrate deeply into the skin to speed the elimination of toxins, promote cellular renewal, naturally nourish and remineralize the skin.  Also contains black willow tree extract recognized for thousands of years for its healing power, and fresh, warm, spicy tea tree oil – a powerful immune stimulant to help fight infections and promote clear skin. ”

成枝產品係97% organic!! Made in USA!

(English:  It’s 97% organic, brilliant!!  Made in USA too!)


Before Blending

After Blending

使用次數(No. of Usage):2 weeks

用後感: 呢枝產品最大一個賣點係抗菌!! 我覺得佢咩皮膚都啱,尤其係油性,暗瘡皮膚,或者皮膚好多黑頭粉刺! 我一拎到就叫我朋友(我朋友有以上問題),佢愛到差d唔想俾翻我! 哈哈!! 佢係toner,所以佢個質感都係好水狀同埋好易吸收! 吸完之後皮膚感覺清爽,同埋好柔軟! 佢個種清爽感唔係有搽等於無搽個種感覺,反而係啱啱好,唔會笠!! 佢亦都有lavender氣味,搽個陣覺得好soothing! 佢入面有tea tree既成份,所以佢可以幫助皮膚抗菌同埋消炎!! 我朋友用咗一個星期話佢覺得暗瘡快好咗同埋幫到少少黑頭! 我自己就無暗瘡,但係我覺得佢係幫到少少黑頭! 同埋我好buy佢呢枝產品係因為我覺得香港空氣污染真係好勁(呢個都係我好少唔化妝行出街既原因),返到屋企除咗洗面之外仲可以揾呢枝野幫手淨化下皮膚都係一件令我好安心既事!! 我超愛呢枝產品呀! 而家我洗完面會用咗佢淨化皮膚先,之後先再用其他產品。如果你係油性,暗瘡皮膚,你真係可以買呢枝產品做toner呢個step! 如果你係其他膚質(好似我咁),我建議用呢枝toner黎淨化皮膚,用法會係洗面後用咗呢個toner先,等佢吸咗,你可以on top用另一d屋企有既toner同埋skincare產品!! 呢個真係超級recommend!!! 外國咁多人愛佢都真係有原因!! 你有興趣都可以email我(hakmego@hotmail.com),但係而家係預購當中,貨要到十一月尾十二月頭先到!

(English: Product Review: The most attracting selling point for this product is that it’s antii-bacterial!  It’s suitable for many different skin types, especially oily/ acne skin types, or if you have a lot of black/ white heads, that would work as well!  I have asked my friend to test it since she has the above mentioned problems, she had been trying it out for a week and she didn’t want to give me back the product *laughs* because she loved it so much!  It’s a toner, so the texture is really watery and very easy to absorb!  After use, skin feels light and soft!  The light feeling doesn’t mean that it feels like nothing on skin, it’s just right of a texture and it’s not heavy at all. It has a good lavender scent and while you apply it on skin, it’s very soothing.  It contains tea tree ingredients, therefore, it has the power of anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory!  My friend said that she felt it helped her to clear her acne faster and it helps to kick away a bit of her blackheads.  I don’t have acne myself, my feeling is that it helps to clear the blackheads a bit.  The other reason why I am in love with this so much is that HK has a serious air pollution problem (that’s why I almost never go out with my naked face), when I get back home, I use this to help clarify my face – this is indeed very comforting for me.  I really love this.  Now, after washing my face, I use this to clarify my face before putting on other skincare items!  If you have oily/ acne skin types or you have a lot of black/ white heads, use this as your toner.  On the other hand, if you are like me, you can use this to clarify your skin against all the pollution!  Method would be that you use this toner after washing your face, then after it’s totally absorbed, you use another toner (if needed) on top and then follow with other skincare products!  I highly recommend this and I now understand why it has got so many rave reviews in other parts of the world! If you are interested in this product, you can email me at hakmego@hotmail.com, I am doing pre-order as the stock will arrive by end of November or early December!)

黑咪小店/ Hakme’s Store: HERE

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