[保養] 係Toner又係神仙水

前兩日出咗個skincare routine,呢期用既野一係比較天然一係就係敏感皮膚都用得既產品。 我覺得轉季都唔適合用好多香料或者化學成份好重既產品,因為真係好易會敏感! 整整下要去睇醫生重得不償失添! 今日寫翻個post詳細講下呢個產品先,呢個係加拿大品牌Seaflora既皇牌產品:

(English: A couple days ago, I released a video on my skincare routine, I have changed up the products quite a bit and I am sticking with more natural products or things that can be used by sensitive skin types.  I don’t think it’s the time to use products with heavy chemical ingredients or huge amount of fragrance due to the instability of the weather, because usually skin would react really badly to that and cause allergies!  Definitely don’t want to see a doctor because of that!  Today, I am going to give my full review on this Seaflora product from Canada and it’s one of their best selling items:)

Seaflora Sea Spray Splash Toner

價錢(Price):HK$360/ 120ml

Buy from: HERE

用既ingredients都係certified organic既ingredients!

Product Information:






(English: “A lightweight oil-free, healing, hydrating and balancing toner that leaves skin feeling tingly and fresh. Further removes impurities to clarify pores and brighten skin. May be used as aftershave for men.

    Certified Organic Iridaea to assist in cellular production and enhance skin’s vitality.

    Certified Organic Aloe Vera leaf juice to hydrate and calm irritation.

    Witch Hazel to cleanse skin and refine pores.

    Citric Acid to stimulate and tone skin.”)


Before Blending



使用次數(No. of Usage):20 times

用後感:Video都講過佢最特別係成份入面係無水,但係佢係液體狀,呢個係因為個d液體其實係有機蘆薈汁液同埋海藻既汁液! 所以每滴都係好野黎! 佢個質感係好水,按少少時間就吸收哂(我無用cotton pad,我用手)。佢有一陣好raw既海藻味,初初用可能有少少唔慣,但係用落咗兩三日就唔覺得係d咩,仲覺得個味好天然! 吸完哂個下皮膚一d都唔覺得笠(因為佢無油),反而見到係好皮膚有翻光澤同埋都好保濕! 整體黎講我覺得佢唔只係toner,我覺得佢係一枝新仙水,因為用完皮膚都會變得好柔軟添呀!! 佢中價價錢,但係有咁既效果,我超滿意! 而家晚晚要用左先安落! 同埋如果我朝早覺得乾,我都會用佢打底,之後再加個保濕serum先再上妝,個妝真係會貼好多同埋出油既情況都會少咗!! 如果你想揾枝比較天然同埋有神仙水功效既toner,我超recommend呢枝產品! 佢適合好多唔同膚質,連敏感同油性既膚質都啱架!! 有興趣可以網上購買: Click HERE

(English: Product Review: In my previous video, I have talked about that it doesn’t contain water as ingredient.  It’s a liquid format, and it’s due to the fact that it contains aloe vera juice and the juice from the seaweed used!  So, every drop is very precious!  The texture is very watery, it takes a min to massage onto the skin and gets absorbed (I don’t use cotton pad, I use my hands only).  When you first use it, you will find that it has a very raw seaweed scent,  at first, I found it funny, but after 2-3 days’ usage, I am used to it and I quite like the rawness!  After it gets absorbed into the skin, it doesn’t feel greasy at all (because it doesn’t contain oil), it adds radiance and hydration to skin!  Overall, I don’t think it’s just a toner, I think it’s an essence type of toner.  It helps to turn skin soft as well!  The price sort of lies in the middle range, and it definitely offers more obvious results than a toner, I am happy with it and I have to use it every night *laughs*, otherwise I don’t feel too safe *laughs*!  Plus, if I feel that my skin is dry in the morning, I would use this first, and then add a hydrating serum afterwards prior to applying my makeup, the makeup would stay really close to skin and last longer (less oil secretion too throughout the day and this is a bonus)!  If you are looking for a more natural and more an essence like toner, I highly recommend this one!  It is suitable for many skin types, even sensitive and oily ones!!  If you are interested, you can check out the details/ order: Click HERE!)


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