[保養] 平靚正既美國無酒精toner

呢枝toner我之前見到成日斷貨,又咁平,所以一見到有貨就入咗兩枝睇下係咪咁好用。 用完一枝有多覺得真係唔錯,又見佢個價錢咁討好,所以決定入佢落小店。 我出左張相之後好多人都叫我介紹下,其實我會架,不過我知呢枝野有好多人都有興趣,所以我等到收到貨先講,唔係又係冇得買好無癮。 Thayers有好多隻toner,但係當中得幾枝先係無酒精,我自己就入咗四枝喇~~

(English:  This toner has been out of stock very frequently online and it’s dead cheap, so when I saw that it was back in stock, I got a couple to try.  I have finished 1 bottle+ and I really like it, plus its price is really friendly, so I decided to get them into my store.  After posting a picture on Facebook, many of you asked me to review the toners, I sure would; it’s just that I knew many of you would be interested, so I wanted to get the stock first, otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to get your hands on them.  Thayers offer many different toners in the range, however only a few of them are alcohol-free, so I only got 4:)

Thayers Alcohol-free Toner
Rose Petal Witch Hazel and Lavender Witch Hazel


價錢(Price):HK$98/ 355ml @黑咪小店/ Hakme’s Store


Thayers Alcohol-free Toner
Unscented Witch Hazel and Original Witch Hazel

價錢(Price):HK$98/ 355ml @黑咪小店/ Hakme’s Store



(English:   Also, there are currently two different kinds of labels on the market, I have asked them and it’s just that their company is in the process of changing labels, so there is no need to worry when you see different labels for the toners!)


使用次數(No. of Usage):over 2.5 months

用後感: 先講下佢四隻有無咩唔同先。 佢話rose係最保濕,lavender就舒緩,unscented同original都有cleasing效果。 我用過哂亦都望過佢地既ingredients。 我覺得整體黎講分別唔係好大。 Rose既就加多咗rose既ingredients,lavender就有lavender等等。 我覺得四枝so far感覺上都係好保濕,但係rose會保濕多dd,而lavender就有少少舒緩效果(佢隻味都已經舒緩啦),另外如果你想要少少清爽咁,original/ unscented都啱。 當然啦,你話唔唔鍾意d野有味,咁就一定係unscented! 我自己覺得效果方面係好似,但係只係有少小分別。 用既方法都係一般用toner既方法,你可以用cotton pad係洗完面之後上,或者用手印上都可以。 佢亦都可以做保濕mask或者係局部既保濕mask! 我自己用左一枝覺得佢保濕效果好好,佢有aloe vera係入面,如果你aloe vera敏感就唔可以用。 另外佢仲有witch hazel,如果你上網睇過,你知呢個成份有好好多好既用處,其中一個就可以幫助舒緩痘痘喇(無痘痘都用得啦~)。我試過面出咗一粒細細既粒粒,用佢敷完,第二日粒粒平咗好多。香味方面,我覺得佢係清香又唔會好供鼻,所以用落都討好。 超愛個rose味丫!!! 哈哈!!! 我自己覺得佢又平又抵用。唔洗一百蚊有咁大枝真係好勁!!! 如果你想揾保濕toner,我超推呢枝俾你,用完爽身之餘又夠保濕!!

(English:  First let me start off by discussing if there is any difference for the 4 toners.  Rose is for hydrating, lavender is for soothing, unscented and original are for cleansing.  I have used all 4 and took a look at their ngredients.  I feel overall the 4 are quite the same, only that rose has the rose related ingredients and lavender has the lavender related ingredients…etc.  The 4 are very hydrating.  Rose is a bit more hydrating than others, and lavender is a bit more soothing than others (well its scent is very soothing indeed), if you want a bit of a lighter texture, original or unscented are the choices.  I feel the results are very similar with just a tiny bit of difference.  For usage, it’s exactly the same as using other toners.  You can use cotton pad/ your hands.  It can also be used as a hydrating mask or point mask.  I have finished a bottle and I love what I see.  The hydrating function is brilliant!!  It also contains aloe vera, so if you are allergic to that, please do not use this.  Also it contains witch hazel, if you have read online about this ingredient, you would know how good it is, especially it helps to calm down acne (well you can use it too when you don’t have acne).  One time, I had a small pimple on my face and I used it to do a point mask just covering my pimple area, when I woke up the next day, that pimple was smaller and about to die!  For the scent, I think they are all very decent without being artificial.  I am super in love with the rose scent!!!  *Laughs*  It’s definitely a product with a friendly price tag yet delivers great results.  If you are looking for a hydrating toner, I would highly recommend this to you, it’s not heavy yet very hydrating!!)




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