[化妝] Tom Ford秋季2015

Tom Ford出新品,先同大家講明,佢d野成日都無貨,睇咗呢篇文想去買無唔好打我,唔關我事架! 先前佢出左秋季系列,我都好好彩入到手,用完一陣想分享一下感覺:

(English:  Tom Ford has a new launch recently and I need to stress the following:  their stock level is somewhat limited, so if you go after you read this and things are out of stock, it has nothing to do with me!  I was quite lucky to be able to get these items when they first came out, and I have been using them, so I thought I would share my thoughts:)

最吸晶都係佢今次出既漸變眼影胭脂兩用shadow。 我地逐粒望下。

(English:  The attraction point for this collection is their ombre Eye and Cheek Shadow, let’s go through each one now.)

Tom Ford Eye and Cheek Shadow 

01 Bronze Ombre


Tom Ford Eye and Cheek Shadow
02 Pink Ombre


Tom Ford Eye and Cheek Shadow
03 Peach Ombre


Tom Ford Eye and Cheek Shadow
04 Plum Ombre


用後感: 01同02係近無閃,而03同04係見到有閃(唔誇)。 我覺得佢上色度都有分別。 01同02相比之下無咁出色,而03同04就易出色好多。  佢呢隻產品可以做眼影或者胭脂,漸變個part做眼影就會有分別,因為唔同深淺可以用係唔同位置,但係如果做胭脂漸唔漸變都無分別,因為要mix埋一齊用。 我覺得做眼影驚喜唔大,免強可以話有兩個色一深一淺。 如果做胭脂我發現左一樣野,你要make sure個掃係mix得d粉好混先上面,唔係好似一達達效果。 我覺得四粒當中,我會比較建議03同04,我覺得有Tom Ford既水準,但係01同02我就比較失望,但係我係好like 01個顏色,但係要上幾次先出到色,我覺得無Tom Ford應有既水準。 另外,我覺得呢粒野真係好好好好貴,我好耐無買Tom Ford 4色眼影,但係有網友同我講話加到HK$650,咁如果HK$650有四色,你話呢個可以話係單色既東東要HK$520,係咪好貴喇?  值唔值真係好見人見智,你問我,因為我當佢係胭脂多,所以我覺得用落唔係真係好特別,仲煩左添,因為要make sure個掃拎粉要mix埋,如果唔係會覺得一達達。 我係粉絲,但係都唔會無理由地叫你地去買。  我覺得如果真係好like又唔mind,可以買一粒,但係如果你係想搵胭脂眼影唔係特別好Tom Ford,唔洗特別洗錢。

(English:  Product Review:  01 and 02 are close to matte whereas for 03 and 04 are shimmery (quite subtle).  I feel that there are difference in the pigmentation within the range.  01 and 02 are less pigmented when compared to 03 an 04.  This can be used as eyeshadow or blush, for the ombre part, you can tell the difference when you use it as eyeshadow because the lighter and darker parts are for different areas.  However, if you use it more as a blush, the ombre thing doesn’t really mean anything because you need to mix it to use.  I personally feel no excitement to use it as eyeshadow, straightly speaking, I can say it offers me 2 colors.  When I use it as a blush, I notice something:  you really need to make sure the brush mix the powder well before applying on face, otherwise it would look very much like patches.  Within the 4, I prefer 03 and 04 because it delivers the Tom Ford standard; for 01 and 02, I am quite disappointed because I do like 01, but I really need time to build it up, somehow I feel that it fails the Tom Ford standard.  Also I find this super hyper expensive!!!  I haven’t bought any Tom Ford quad for awhile, and some friends have told me now the price is HK$650.  If that’s the case, HK$650, you get 4 colors and now this ombre thing costs HK$520, ridiculous eh?  Whether it’s worth it or not is straightly personal, what I would say is that, for me I do use it as a blush more often and I don’t feel anything too special about this.  Actually to be quite honest, I find it more time consuming to use because I need to really make sure my brush get a good mix of the products otherwise it wouldn’t look really nice.  I am a fan but I can’t bring myself to ask you to haul for no reason.  So, if you really like the idea and don’t mind the time bit, go get one.  But if you are only looking for eyeshadow/ blush and you are not fussed whether it’s Tom Ford or not, there is no need for you to spend money on this item!)

Tom Ford Brow Sculpting Kit
02 Medium

佢有兩個色,我要左深色。  內有一深一淺眉粉同埋一個眉gel~

(English:  There are two colors to choose from and I got the darker one.  It comes with 2 brow powder and 1 brow gel~)


用後感: 呢個眉既組合唔錯,好出色亦都好易用,用完有色眉粉可以用個Gel gel好條眉。 我好耐無用過貴既眉野,原因係我覺得同平價野差唔多效果,今次我都無錯!  我本身用開Makeup Revolution Focus & Fix Eyebrow Shaping Kit (Medium Dark) ,轉咗用呢個我又唔係好覺得有咩分別,除咗一個係HK$45,而呢個係天價HK$580。嗱,一粒呢d閒閒地都用到成年(日日用),所以HK$580用一年又唔係好誇張。 只係因為我唔覺得佢有咩好特別,所以我先覺得貴。  唔將佢同任何野比較,我覺得佢係好用!  愛Tom Ford又想買眉野既話係買得過。  但係如果你只係想搵差唔多既眉野而又唔洗佢係Tom Ford出品,咁平價版都好夠用。

(English:  Product Review:  This brow kit is nice, very pigmented and very easy to use.  After you use the brow powder, use the gel to tidy up with your brow.  It’s been a really long time since I used something expensive for my brows, the reason is very simple: I don’t see any different between expensive and budget items.  This time I am right again!  I have been using Makeup Revolution Focus & Fix Eyebrow Shaping Kit (Medium Dark), I switch to this Tom Ford new love, but I can’t really tell the difference apart from the fact that one is HK$45 and this is HK$580.  Well, HK$580 for a thing like this is not too crazy when you consider you would use it everyday for at least a year.  However my point is that it’s really nothing too special, therefore I feel the pain from the price tag.  If I don’t compare it with anything else, yes it’s a good buy if you love Tom Ford because it’s nice to use.  However, if you are just looking for some similar brow stuff and you don’t mind the brand, I would suggest to go for the affordable options instead.)

Tom Ford Lip Color
Left: 49 Misbehaved; Right: 50 So Vain


用後感: Misbehaved係冇閃粉而So Vain有少少閃粉,唔嚴重。  佢既唇膏就一向都好用同夠潤,我自己好like亦都好建議如果你咀係好乾既話,你可以試下,因為佢潤身黎講都算long lasting架!  我自己覺得呢兩隻色係俾好唔同喜好既人,但係都靚。 有興趣自己去望下啦!

(English:  Product Review:  Misbehaved doesn’t contain any shimmer whereby So Vain has a bit of shimmer in it (not serious).  I have been a fan of their lipsticks because they are very moisturizing, so if you have dry lips, I would recommend you to try their lipsticks if you still haven’t one that works for you.  For moisturizing lipsticks, theirs are quite long lasting!  I think these colors are both pretty but suit different people, if you are interested, that would mean a trip to Tom Ford!!)

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