[化妝] Tom Ford Spring 2014 Lipstick Color Sheer 04 Summer Fling and 07 Paradiso

講真,我呢期對好多牌子都無咩興趣,原因應該係我望到都覺得好悶,出黎出去d野都差唔多! 所以買少好多化妝品(真係既?)! 但係Tom Ford既產品我都有keep住買,前兩個月我入咗手佢地兩枝Spring Collection 2014 Lip Color Sheer, 但係我去到已經話好多都無貨,係限量版! 所以其實我買完都無咩心機出post,因為大家都買唔到! 其實我覺得Tom Ford越黎越似MAC,成日都整限量版,但係又得好少貨,搞到想買無得買。 就係因為咁我而家先無乜點買MAC(同埋我覺得佢質量無以前咁好)。 唔知我又幾時會因為呢樣野唔再買Tom Ford呢? 哈哈~~~ 不過都買咗就同大家分享一下啦:

(English:  Honestly, I am not really interested in any brands these days, because I feel quite bored by the stuff as they all seem to have similar stuff but nothing striking!  Therefore, I didn’t get as much makeup these days (really??)!!  However, I do follow Tom Ford, I got a couple of their Spring Collection 2014 Lip Color Sheer two months ago.  When I arrived, they told me that they were limited items and many of them were out of stock.  Well, therefore, I wasn’t even interested in writing a blog post because you girls won’t be able to get your hands on them (even if you like them)!  I somehow have a feeling that Tom Ford is very similar to MAC in the sense that there are quite a few limited edition items, but the stock is really low, so many people won’t be able to make the purchase!  It was because of this, I don’t buy MAC as often as I used to (not to mention that I feel that their quality deteriorates over time).  I am not sure when I would ditch Tom Ford for the same reason as MAC, but since I got the lipsticks now, might just as well share them with you:)

Tom Ford Spring 2014 Lipstick Color Sheer 

Color: 04 Summer Fling & 07 Paradiso

價錢(Price):around HK$400 

(if I remember right, lost the receipt)


(English:  Got two colors, because others are out of stock~~)

Tom Ford Spring 2014 Lipstick Color Sheer
Color: 04 Summer Fling




(English:  This color contains some shimmer in it~~  Quite a light color and it’s suitable for Spring and Summer~~~)

Tom Ford Spring 2014 Lipstick Color Sheer
Color: 07 Paradiso



呢隻無閃粉,個顏色都比較出色同實色d! 我自己比較鍾意呢個顏色,因為覺得夠sharp!

(English:  This color doesn’t contain shimmer in it and the color feels slightly more pigmented and solid!  I personally love this color a bit more since it’s quite sharp!)

簡單用後感: 兩隻都係新formula,出黎既效果係透薄! 我覺得有d顏色比較透薄,有d都算實色,所以要睇下你買邊隻顏色! 我覺得佢都潤同埋個finish都有少少令,好適合春夏去用! 正就正喇,最唔好有錢都無得買,其實我仲睇中其他顏色呢~~ 嗚嗚~~~

(English:  Quick Review: Both are from the new formula, the finish is supposed to be sheer!  I feel that some colors have a more sheer finish than others, so it really depends on which color you got!  Both are moisturizing and has a glossy finish, so it’s suitable for Spring and Summer!  Yep it’s nice but the turn off point is that you can’t get them anymore.  Indeed I quite like a couple other colors….but….*cries*~~~)


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