Tom Ford Soleil Color Collection 2016

Tom Ford今年出好多新野,其中又到佢地春夏出既白色包裝系列。 今日試下色俾大家望下先。大多相要放,所以我唔講太多喇。

(English:  Tom Ford has been releasing quite a lot of new items this year and now comes their Soleil Color Collection which comes in the white packaging.  Today I am going to swatch all of them for you and since I have many pictures to put into this blog, I will shut up and get on with it now.)

Tom Ford Soleil Color Collection 2016

Tom Ford Soleil Contouring Compact HK$880


(English:  There are highlight, blush and contour.  All 3 are pigmented and I specially love the blush colour.)

Tom Ford Sheer Cheek Duo in Bicoastal HK$620


(English: Cheek duo comes with 2 blush colours, you can use them on your own or mix them together.  Again they are pigmented.  The light pink colour is shimmery whereas the strawberry colour is matte.) 

Tom Ford Cream Cheek Color in 02 Pieno Sole HK$520

呢個係cream胭脂,不過呢個顏色係bronzer多d。 我膚色用應該係好自然。 質地好薄,唔笠,閃閃地,幾靚。我諗我會當佢係highlight咁用。

(English:  This is a cream blush, but this colour is more of a bronzer.  On my skin tone, it should look really natural.  The texture is light and not sticky.  It’s a bit shimmery and quite pretty indeed.  I think I will use this one as a highlight.)

Tom Ford Bronzing Primer HK$540/ 30ml

我呢個會用黎mix粉底啦,因為好多粉底用落我度都好白,我會試下mix呢個睇下會唔會好d。 呢個可以做primer,不過我覺得香港人多數都白,所以未必用得到。 但係如果健康膚色既話,應該係一個good choice。

(English:  I will use this to mix with my foundation, because many do look quite white on me, so I want to give this a mix and see if it looks any better.  This is indeed a primer, but I think it might not be for HK market because many people do have fair skin.  However, if you have tanned skin, this might be a good choice for you.)

Tom Ford Ultra-Rich Lip Color HK$410

效果帶少少令身,我覺得春夏好啱,因為就算望落好深色既顏色出黎都係比較sheer finish,唔係真係好死實。

(English:  The finish is a bit more on the glossy side, I think it’s perfect for Spring and Summer.  The finish is on the sheer side, so even the deepest colour don’t look crazily solid.)

Tom Ford Moisturecore Lip Color HK$430

呢個中心係油,所以好潤身,我覺得你當係有色既lip balm,因為出黎隻色唔係好似lipstick咁實色。 如果鍾意好自然顏色既朋友應該會好鍾意呢款。

(English:  The middle bit is oil, so this is quite moisturising to start with.  Think this one more of a tinted lip balm than a lipstick because the colour is super sheer.  I think if you love super natural lip colour, you would enjoy using these.)

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