Tom Ford Skin Illuminating Powder Duo in 01 Moonlight Review

一盒我入手咗好一段時間既產品 – Tom Ford Skin Illuminating Powder Duo in 01 Moonlight。差d連我自己都唔記得咗。 今日見到佢記起自己應該未寫過review,所以有今日呢個post喇。

(English:  I got this – Tom Ford Skin Illuminating Powder Duo in 01 Moonlight – long time ago.  I must admit that I almost forgot that I had it.  When I see this today, I know that I hadn’t even written anything about it, therefore here comes today’s blog post.)

Tom Ford Skin Illuminating Powder Duo in 01 Moonlight HK$590

tom ford skin illuminating powder duo

tom ford skin illuminating powder duo

tom ford skin illuminating powder duo


tom ford skin illuminating powder duo

兩款顏色都係highlight,大家唔好誤會深色係陰影粉,咁閃做唔到陰影粉呀! 兩款都好閃:白色閃金底而深色閃銀底。 如果以我健康膚色黎講,我覺得白色閃金底反而同我膚色夾d,閃落係金光而唔會覺得好勁。而深色閃銀底既係我膚色上面就有spotlight效果,基本上兩個我都得到係睇下個日要誇定唔誇張。 我覺得佢粉質都幼細同埋滑,閃粉都好細粒唔鞋身。 我覺得質量上係好好。 但係如果我就佢highlight功效黎睇(唔就佢係咪Tom Ford黎睇)上面效果唔算好特別,做到highlight,但係係咪要咁貴買一盒兩款highlight呢(通常一隻會比另一隻多用),我又覺得睇效果唔值呢個價錢,但係如果睇品牌當然係另一回事啦!

(English:  Both are highlight, don’t be mistaken that one of them is a darker colour and you think you can use this as a contour, you can no way contour with this shimmery bling bling babe.  Both are highly shimmery:  the white colour is with a golden base shimmer while the darker colour is with a silver base shimmer.  For tanned skin (me), I like the one with the golden tone better, because it just glows on my skin without being over the top, whereas for the silver tone, it gives me some kind of a spotlight effect.  I can use both, it just depends on what look I am going for that day – out there or not.  The powder is finely milled and smooth; the shimmer feels fine and small.  Quality-wise, it’s good.  However if I look at it as a highlight (take away the fact that it’s Tom Ford), the glow is not that special.  Yes it does the job but is it worth the price tag to get 2 highlights in a pack (usually we use one more than the other)?  I don’t think so if I just consider this as a highlight palette.  On the contrary, if I take into consideration that it’s Tom Ford, then I guess my answer would be a different story.)

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