Tom Ford Private Shadow

好耐無同大家分享過Tom Ford既化妝品,聖誕前我買咗呢幾粒新出既單色眼影Private Shadow,同大家講下我既用後感先。

(English:  It’s been a long time since I last talked about Tom Ford makeup products, I got these Private Shadows before Christmas and I think now it’s the time to share my thoughts.)

Tom Ford Private Shadow HK$300
Online HK$260 but not many colours to choose from: Link

Tom Ford Private Shadow Sateen Eyeshadow

Tom Ford Private Shadow Sateen Eyeshadow

Tom Ford Private Shadow – Sateen in No. 03 Infrared

Tom Ford Private Shadow Sateen Eyeshadow


Tom Ford Private Shadow Sateen Eyeshadow

Tom Ford Private Shadow Sateen Eyeshadow

Tom Ford Private Shadow – Sateen in No. 04 Iris Bronze

Tom Ford Private Shadow Sateen Eyeshadow


Tom Ford Private Shadow Sateen Eyeshadow

Tom Ford Private Shadow Sateen Eyeshadow

Tom Ford Private Shadow – Vinyl in No. 04 Photographic

Tom Ford Private Shadow Sateen Eyeshadow


Tom Ford Private Shadow Sateen Eyeshadow

Tom Ford Private Shadow Sateen Eyeshadow

Tom Ford Private Shadow – Vinyl in No. 06 Blue Velvet

Tom Ford Private Shadow Sateen Eyeshadow


Tom Ford Private Shadow Sateen Eyeshadow

Tom Ford Private Shadow Sateen Eyeshadow

我買咗呢4粒單色眼影入面有兩粒係Sateen,另外有兩粒係Vinyl。 4粒眼影粉質都好幼細同埋好滑,好易blend。 根本Tom Ford既眼影無論係咩款式我都覺得質量好好。Sateen顏色比較自然,我要畫兩至三下就出到我試色圖既顏色,而Vinyl可能係顏色比較勁,所以我畫一下就出到圖中既顏色。 Sateen兩隻顏色我覺得係日常必搭色,當中既Infrared帶橙上眼好精神又可以同沉實既啡色做配搭,好實用。 另外Vinyl兩粒我覺得比較誇,係特別日子會用,我尤其覺得Photographic係無敵靚,用少少係眼尾或者下眼線都係好搶眼既一個選擇,而Blue Velvet就係cool tone smokey eye之選啦! HK$300一粒眼影值唔值得個個人有唔同睇法。 反而我覺得如果你平日好想入手Tom Ford既classic 4色眼影,但係眼色配搭你覺得唔係好啱你既話,我諗呢款單色眼影係一個好好既選擇,你可以自己揀麻! 我自己就好鍾意,如果遲d再入手其他色,我又再分享下啦!

(English:  Amongst the 4 Tom Ford Private Eyeshadows, I got 2 Sateen and 2 Vinyl.  The 4 eyeshadows are finely milled, smooth to touch and easy to blend.  Indeed, I must say Tom Ford does make brilliant eyeshadows, they are of supreme quality.  Sateen colours are more natural and sheer, I need around 2-3 strokes to give the colour intensity in the photos while Vinyl colours are more vibrant, I just need one stroke.  The two Sateen colours I got are more like an everyday eyeshadow, Infrared offers an orange tone which brights up the sleepy eyes and it can also be used with the very practical browns.  Nice.  On the other hand, the two Vinyl ones I got are on the adventurous side, I don’t think it’s for everyday.  I find Photographic so pretty, I use it to add some colour to an eye look or on my lower lash line, it’s eye catching without being over the top when I use it this way.  For Blue Velvet, I think it’s a great cool tone smokey eye choice!  Does it worth the HK$300 price tag?  I think each of us will see it very differently.  I would say if you have been longing to get a classic Tom Ford Eyeshadow Quad but you don’t seem to find the colour combination that you really like, I think these Private Shadows are for you because you can choose your own combination!  I love them and if I get some more later, I will share again as well.)

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