Tom Ford Orchid Collection for Fall 2016

又入手Tom Ford新品,今次個包裝好靚,有幾款變咗深紫色,同埋佢有兩款香水膏,佢地之前無香水膏,所以我好有興趣入手! 我知貨量唔多,所以唔肯定大家仲會唔會買到,唔緊要啦,我都買咗,所以俾大家望下丫!

(English:  I hauled at Tom Ford again, I love the packaging this time because a few of the products come in deep purple packaging.  They also released 2 new solid perfume and I got really excited.  I know that these come in limited stock, so I am not sure if you can still get them.  Since I got them already, let me quickly share them with you!)

Tom Ford Orchid Collection for Fall 2016

Tom Ford

Tom Ford Lip Color in No. 18 Black Orchid HK$460

Tom Ford

Tom Ford Lip Color in No. 59 Velvet Orchid HK$460

Tom Ford


Tom Ford

Tom Ford

兩款顏色都好實用,Black Orchid係深紫色,但係唔難carry,秋冬好易用得到。 而Velvet Orchid帶少少紫底nude,上咀就見到多少少紫底,顏色日常得黎有少少特別! 佢兩枝個finish係令身同佢一般lipstick都差唔多潤! 好靚呀,Velvet Orchid個packaging係紫色,好特別!

(English:  Both colours are practical.  Black Orchid is a very deep purple and it’s surprisingly not hard to carry.  You can easily use this colour during Autumn/ Winter.  For Velvet Orchid, it’s nude with a slight purple undertone, when it’s applied on lips, you can see more of that purple undertone.  I think it’s quite a daily colour with a slight twist – quite special indeed!  Both are with slight glossy finish and they are just as moisturising as their regular lipstick.  I especially love Velvet Orchid which comes in deep purple packaging!)

Tom Ford Nightbloom Powder in No. 01 Black Bloom HK$610

Tom Ford

Tom Ford Nightbloom Powder in No. 02 Velvet Bloom HK$610

Tom Ford


Tom Ford

Tom Ford

實用程度我膚色黎講就Black Bloom係實用好多,因為佢係帶金底highlight,我成日都會用得到既highlight。 粉質都做得好滑,上面有pop好靚好搶眼! 而Velvet Bloom都係highlight,比你放係胭脂上少少位置,我覺得我未必用得好多,因為佢出黎都偏紫,可能我要mix下色先用得到佢,但係佢個紫色既packaging就真係無得頂!

(English: For practicality, Black Bloom seems like a way better choice for me because it’s a highlight with golden tone and I could always use these kinds of highlight.  The powder is finely milled and it adds that pop on the cheek bone – it’s fabulous!  For Velvet Bloom, it’s still a highlight but in purple, you can use this just above your cheek colours.  I don’t think I would be able to carry this off without mixing other colours because it does look a bit purple.  I don’t think this is very user-friendly for me but the packaging is certainly amazing.)

Tom Ford Black Orchid Solid Perfume HK$1,530

Tom Ford

Tom Ford Velvet  Orchid Solid Perfume HK$1,530

Tom Ford

呢兩粒最吸我晶,因為佢地係香水膏! 兩個氣味都好好聞,我覺得Black Orchid比較woody,中性少少,而Velvet Orchid就帶少少甜! 兩個包裝都好fancy,仲好重手添呀! 不過放係手袋就好方便,而且佢唔大粒,好慳位。 同埋佢地係超級持久! 香水膏通常都比較持久,所以呢兩粒既味last到成日我超開心!!

(English:  These two are the highlight of the whole collection because they are solid perfume!  Both scents are nice, I feel that Black Orchid is leaning more on the woody scent and Velvet Orchid is a wee bit more sweet!  Both come in fancy packaging and they indeed do weigh a bit!  However, I still feel that they are nice for the handbag because they are quite small in size and they definitely don’t take up much space.  Plus, the scents are super long-lasting.  Usually, solid perfumes last longer than regular perfume, and these two basically last all day – I am a happy bunny!!)

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