[化妝] Tom Ford Noir Collection 2015

今年既聖誕Tom Ford出左Noir Collection,Noir係法文黎講係黑色,即係話成個Collection大家都想像都係好smoky! 我個人覺得有d特別啦,因為聖誕多數collection都同紅色有關,反而黑色我覺得型型地手。 但係個collection一d都唔多野,我記得有眼影,lipstick,lipgloss,眼線同mascara咁。 吸引度同吸睛度真係唔高。 不過我都入手咗兩件我覺得比較值得入手既產品同大家分享下。

(English:  This season Tom Ford releases its Noir Collection, in French Noir means black which means that the whole collection is quite smoky!  I think it’s something different because most X’mas related items are red and gold, black is quite unique on the other hand.  The collection itself is quite small, I remember there are eyeshadows, lipstick, lipgloss, eyeliner and mascara.  I wouldn’t say the collection itself is highly attractive, however, I still got a couple items which I thought worth my investment to share with you.)

Tom Ford Noir Collection 2015


Tom Ford Noir Cream and Powder Eye Color
01 Night Sky



我一見到佢有呢款既眼影我就會買!  我好愛佢呢款眼影,原因係我好愛mousse狀既眼影,我覺得好易handle,又快同埋好易整得靚。 雖然我覺得呢個顏色好靚,真係好Night Sky感覺,但係我好明白唔係人人喜愛啦。 如果你愛smoky eyes,我覺得你會愛,但係如果你根本唔會搽深色顏影,咁你唔好買,因為無論你覺得個色幾靚都好,你係唔會用架! 我覺得呢個colour真係會化深眼既人先會用! 我覺得佢mousse個部份係超顯色,超好blend同好long lasting!  而粉狀部份係唔可以就咁用,因為顯色度好底,佢粉狀部份主要係on top用係mousse上,咁對眼就會好似夜晚既星空咁閃閃地好靚! 我自己好滿意亦都好鍾意佢呢粒眼影,如果顏色啱既話,我推推推!!

(English:  I love this eyeshadow and I got a few of this particular type of eyeshadow from other seasons as well.  The reason I love this very much is because of the mousse part, it’s very easy to handle, quick to apply and easy to blend.  Though I personally love the color because it gives the impression of night sky, I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.  If you love smoky eyes, you will love this.  However, if you are ones that would never go dark on your eyeshadows, then don’t bother with this (even though you might like the color, you will never use it!).  I strongly feel that this color is for those who are used to applying smoky eyes.  The mousse is super pigmented, easy to blend and very long-lasting!  For the powder, I don’t think you can use it on its own because it’s not pigmented at all.  The powder is for applying on top of the mousse, then your lids will definitely look like night time with stars shining through!  I really love this eyeshadow and if you find the color useful, definitely go get one yourself!)

Tom Ford Noir Lip Color Matte
01 First Time

HK$450/ 3g


好淺既pinky nude顏色。 呢隻色以前出過,所以唔係新野。 如果你之前已經買左,無需要再買。 如果你之前無買過,咁你可以睇下你鍾唔鍾意個顏色。 仲有,雖然唔係新色,但係因為packaging有d唔同,所以係貴過平時既lipstick幾十蚊架! 我覺得呢個顏色既嘴係好襯佢粒眼影既顏色。 深色眼襯淺色嘴。 同埋我覺得呢個嘴色一年四季都用得到,係一個好好襯既顏色。 加上佢係matte finish無閃粉,所以我都覺得唔錯。 Tom Ford lipstick本身都係比其他品牌潤,所以我覺得matte色黎講佢都算係潤唔太乾。 同埋持久度都有幾個鐘,唔錯。 如果對呢個色有興趣既話,我覺得買得過!!

(English:  A very light pinky nude color!  This is NOT a new color.  If you have bought this particular color from other collections, then you don’t need to bother with this one.  If you haven’t got your hands on one before, then you can check if you like this color.  Also, though it’s not a new color, due to the change of packaging (a bit more fancy), it’s more expensive than the normal range of lipstick!  I think this color goes really well with the eyeshadow because if you go for really dark eyes, then the safest approach is to go for light/ nude lips.  I think this color is an all year round color, it’s easy to match with different looks and different seasons.  Plus, it’s matte finish, I love it even more.  Tom Ford lipsticks are more moisturizing when compared to other brands, so though it’s matte, it’s not drying on lips and it lasts a good few hours.  Nice quality really.  If you are interested in this color, I’d say go for it!)

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