Tom Ford Lips & Boys: Xavier, Richard, Kingston, Alex

之前Tom Ford都出過Lips & Boys Collection,大家都為之瘋狂。 我都有入手左三枝。 今年呢個collection又會歸同埋出左新色,我都去望咗同埋入手咗以下4枝:

(English:  Tom Ford released Lips & Boys Collection before everyone went a little crazy, I got 3 of the colours as well.  This year, the collection came back with some new colours and here are the 4 that I have got:)

Tom Ford Lips & Boys Collection



其實Lips & Boys既賣點除咗係佢用男仕名當係唇膏名同埋有好多唔同顏色揀之外(我見到有灰色添呀!),我覺得佢最大既賣點係佢係mini size,即係話佢無full size咁貴。 當然啦,HK$280一枝2g既唇膏絕對唔係平,但係同Tom Ford自己regular size黎講,呢枝可以叫係入門版。 我覺得對我黎講,係最有希望可以用得哂既唇膏size!我買左4枝,大家都應該睇得出係我平日都好常用既顏色。 我4枝都用過上咀,佢地係比較glossy finish,唔係全matte。 Xavier有一兩粒閃粉,但係唔誇張。 其他就係令既效果無閃粉。 我覺得呢個Lips & Boys系列比佢regular line既唇膏係偏乾身,兩三個 鐘就覺得乾,呢點要留意。 乾既程度未去到咀痛或者甩皮,但係要搽潤咀膏咁。 持久度都OK,兩三個鐘無問題! 我覺得如果你個咀唔係好乾或者唔介意呢款唇膏有少少乾既話,我覺得好值得入手架!

(English:  The major selling points of Tom Ford Lips & Boys collection are the fact that they name the lipsticks after guys’ names and they come in a ridiculous amount of colours to choose from (I saw a grey colour).  For me, the one brilliant thing about this collection is that they come in mini sizes, that means they are not as expensive as the full sized ones.  Of course, HK$280 for a 2g lipstick is still an insane amount, however, when I compare that to their own regular size, I guess this one is more on the “Tom Ford Starter” page.  For me, this size is perfect and I do have high hopes that I could finish one of these babes in no time!  I got 4 of them and I am sure you can tell that these are basically my regular colours.  I had tried them all on my lips and they tend to have a more glossy finish than matte.  Xavier does contain 1-2 odd glitter inside but it’s not a deal breaker.  The others are on the glossy side without shimmers nor glitters.  One thing that I notice is that this collection is somewhat more drying than the regular line products.  After 2-3 hours, I feel my lips are dry.  So this is a point to note.  Well I wouldn’t say it’s so dry to the point that it gives you lip-ache or flaky lips, it’s more like, “oh now my lips are dry and I need to put lip balm on”.  The longevity is nice and it does last on your lips for 2-3 hours no problem.  I think if your lips are not super dry or you don’t mind the lipsticks are a bit drying, then I think they do worth the investment!)

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