[化妝] Tom Ford Holiday Collection 2014

本身無諗住再敗家,點知行過見到Tom Ford出左Holiday Collection,佢地話今次有貨,咁有貨就望下啦! 我之前講過話我覺得佢地甲油唔係咁好油,所以我無睇! 今次佢香港出左兩隻Matte Lipstick同Mousse Eyeshadow,我呢兩樣就敗哂! 佢地話Europe係出左成條line既Matte Lipstick,所以今次我去UK都會再望下!!哈哈~~ 好喇,影埋試色圖,大家有興趣就去睇下仲有無啦!!

(English:  I didn’t intend to haul more, however when I passed by Tom Ford, I saw that their Holiday Collection was released, and they said they had stock this time, so I took a look!  I said before that I found their nail polish was a bitch a apply, so I didn’t take any notice of that.  This time, Hong Kong has released 2 matte lipsticks and 2 mousse eyeshadows, so I hauled all of them.  They also said in Europe, there was a full range of matte lipsticks, and you could guess that it would become my secret mission to find them in UK!  *Laughs*~~  Right here are the swatches and if you are interested, you can check them out yourself!!)

Tom Ford Holiday Collection

Tom Ford Lip Color Matte 

Color: 04 Pussycat

價錢(Price):HK$410/ 3g

未玩,但係試色個陣覺得好出色,同埋matte得黎有潤既感覺! 我帶咗去UK,玩下再同大家係Facebook分享!! 不過我覺得呢個色超靚!! 哈哈~~

(English:  I haven’t played with it just yet, but when I was swatching, I found the colour is matte yet quite moisturising.  I have brought it with me to the UK, so I will have a play and then share my thoughts with you probably on Facebook!  I really love this colour though!!  *Grins*)

Tom Ford Lip Color Matte 

Color: 03 Pink Tease

價錢(Price):HK$410/ 3g

呢個好粉紅,我覺得有時好勁眼妝個陣配呢個色既咀好靚,所以入手啦!! 哈哈~~

(English:  This is such a pretty pink colour, I feel that it would go perfect when you have really heavy eye makeup on, so I got one!!  *Laughs*~~~)

跟住就到我最期待既cream eyeshadow! 佢話係cream,但係個質地我覺得超似mousse同埋係超出色!!

(English:  Then it comes the most exciting items (in my eyes) and it’s their cream eyeshadows!!  It says cream but I feel the texture is more mousse like and it’s super pigmented!!)

Tom Form Cream Color for Eyes

Color: 01 Platinum

價錢(Price):HK$325/ 6g

超靚同超出色!!! 我覺得佢個顏色都好好,因為就咁用又得,或者襯其他眼影又得!! 實用!! 同埋佢個質感好滑,用少少就好夠!! 我會再用下係眼再同大家分享!!

(English:  Super pretty and pigmented!!!  The colour is really nice and you can use it alone or pair it up with other eyeshadows!!  Practical!!  Plus I like how smooth the texture is, only a tiny bit goes a long way!!  I will use it on my eyes and share my further feedback on this!!)

Tom Form Cream Color for Eyes

Color: 04 Spice

價錢(Price):HK$325/ 6g

深d既一個啡色!! 眼摺位一流!

(English:  A chocolate brown and it’s just perfect on the double eye lids!!)

哈哈~~~ 講住咁多Tom Ford先!! 大家有無燒傷?

(English:  *Laughs*  So much for Tom Ford for now!!!  Have you been tempted??)

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