[化妝] Tom Ford Beauty Swatches 試色圖

之前講過話我因為買唔到Vidi Vici foundation(sold out!!!), 所以去咗Tom Ford Beauty辦貨! 如果你未睇之前個敗家video, 你可以望一望丫!  我知你地好想我試Vidi Vici既產品,等我遲d去開先再望下有無得賣, 如果有我就買黎試完再分享啦! 今日就忘記Vidi Vici, 睇住Tom Ford Beauty先, 我覺得佢既野真係超靚!!! 因為我趕住出呢篇試色文俾大家, 所以我未試真d產品(用緊, 但係想用多一兩個星期), 我今日唔寫review住, 我想分享咗佢地美麗既顏色先丫!!

(English: I talked about the fact that since I couldn’t get my hands on Vidi Vici foundation (sold out!!), therefore I went to Tom Ford Beauty to haul instead.  If you haven’t watched my haul video, you could take a look at the below!!  I know I know many of you want me to do a review on Vidi Vici foundation, and I promise whenever I pass by, I will go and check to see if they are in store, if they are, then I will get them and do a review for you!  So, let’s forget about Vidi Vici for now and focus on Tom Ford Beauty – their stuff are really presentable!!!  Since I don’t want to take a long time to issue this swatch piece, I am not going to review them today.  I have been using the products but I want to give it a week or two more to really test them out!!  I will do a separate post on the review bit.  Let’s see their beautiful colors!!)

Tom Ford Beauty – Haul Video by Hakme


(English:  Let’s go through each one:)

Tom Ford Beauty Eye Color Quad
Color: 03 Cocoa Mirage


我係video都話本身佢有兩枝applicator, 但係我跌咗一枝落地, 係影呢個相之前都未揾翻呀!! 嗚嗚~~

(English:  I mentioned in my video that it came with 2 applicators but I somehow dropped one on the floor and it was nowhere to be seen….I was unable to find it before shooting this photo *cries*!!)

呢個係一個比較matte既quad, 得一個色係比較閃, 其他都係matte色! 右面既色仲可以當係眉粉添, 一d都唔會浪費呀!!

(English:  This quad is more on the matte side because only one of the colors is shimmery.  You know what?  The two colors on the right can be used as brow powder as well, brilliant!!!)

Tom Ford Beauty Cheek Color
Color: 03 Flush


好靚好型好sharp呀隻色!! 唔怪得網上咁多外國blogger/ YouTubers推薦啦!! 真係好靚! 難得我無咩同樣既色, 唔洗諗就敗咗!!

(English:  The color is fabulous, edgy and sharp!!!  No wonder it got huge attention from  bloggers/ YouTubers when it first came out!!  I love it!!  I don’t seem to have similar colors and I bought this without any hesitation at all!!!)

Tom Ford Beauty Lip Color
Color: 23 Bare Peach



(English:  It looks absolutely elegant!!!)

呢個色係特別design for Asia,我覺得真係好襯亞洲人膚色!! 好靚!!

(English:  This color is specially designed for Asia and I feel that it matches the skin tone of Asians nicely!!  Fab!!)

Tom Ford Beauty Ultra Shine Lip Gloss
Color: 02 Rose Crush


呢隻啡nude色好靚, 唔誇張!! 第一次試佢既產品, 所以我想買d我成日會用既色,感覺上抵d麻!!

(English:  I love this brownie nude color, it’s very natural!!  It’s my first time to try their products so I wanted to get the colors which I would use a lot (psychologically feel better!!) and this is one of those colors!!)

下面呢張相就係 Lip Color + Lip Gloss喇,我覺得呢兩隻色一齊用仲靚呀!

(English:  The following photo shows the effect of: Lip Color + Lip Gloss, I somehow like this color the best!!)

好啦, 今日講住咁多先!! 如果你都心動Tom Ford Beauty既產品, 希望今個post幫到你啦!! 我somehow覺得我會繼續敗佢地既化妝品呀!!哈哈!!!

(English:  Right so much for now!!  If you are tempted to try Tom Ford Beauty products, hope this blog post could help you in some ways.  I somehow feel that I would go back and haul more stuff!!! *Laughs*!!)

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