[敗家] 又敗係Tom Ford手上

我都話我要避開Tom Ford,次次行過都血流成河! 事源我係無諗住要去佢地counter,但係Mr Honey d perfume用完,佢之前又用過Tom Ford既Tuscan Leather sample,超鍾意,所以要去買,就係咁,我又走咗去Tom Ford。  本身我睇中咗好多佢既新collection items,但係佢d野真係太好賣喇,出左3日已經賣哂,我仲要咁遲,乜鬼都賣哂,所以我要on waiting list。 失望之餘又望下其他野,望望下又出事喇,敗咗以下既東東!

(English:  I should really avoid Tom Ford counter because it bleeds my wallet out every single time!!  I didn’t really want to drop by their counter but Mr Honey ran out of perfume and he used Tom Ford Tuscan Leather sample before, he really liked it, so he had to go back and get the full bottle (of course I had to accompany him)!  At first, I liked quite a few of their new collection items, well, due to all of them are hot items, they were sold out in just 3 days, so I had to be put on a waiting list.  I was quite disappointed to be honest, so I browsed some other stuff, of course I brought a few things back home with me!)

Tom Ford Shade and Illuminate
(Color: 01 Intensity One)


呢個係佢地既star item! 我睇YouTube第一樣外國YouTuber講既就係佢地既Shade and Illuminate! 我唔知點解成日記住佢係HK$7xx,我覺得佢好貴,所以無入手(哈哈,原來我記錯!!)! 但係我個日諗諗下,我無咩cream既shading同highlight產品,所以我想買佢呢個! 我有唔同既powder產品,但係我覺得效果唔係好持久,應該cream會好好多。 咁Susan又超nice,即刻試落我塊面度同埋教我點樣用。 我諗我玩多幾次之後就會拍片做tutorial講下shading同highlight同埋review呢個產品!

(English:  This is one of their star items!  I remember I watched some review videos on Tom Ford products, many YouTubers start off with their Shade and Illuminate!  I didn’t know why I thought it was around HK$7xx and I felt that it was a bit overpriced, so I didn’t get it earlier (well, later I found out that my memory didn’t serve me right)!  On that particular day, I thought to myself that I didn’t really have any cream shading and highlighting products, so I really wanted to get this.  I do have a few powdery products for shading and such, but the effect isn’t long-lasting, so I want to give the cream ones a try and see if it works better.  Susan, again, is very nice to try the product on my face and shares with me her makeup tips!  I will play with it for a few times and then shoot a video about shading and highlighting for you all.  Of course the review of this product will be included there as well.)

Tom Ford Cream Foundation Brush No. 02


呢枝叫Cream Foundation Brush,可以用黎buff foundation之餘,仲可以用黎blend開個shading同highlight! 我之前聽人地講話Tom Ford既掃好好用,所以我好想入手! 唔會一次過買哂啦! 反而會逐枝買! 我見Susan佢有個化妝掃既bag入住哂Tom Ford既掃,好鬼靚呀,不過好似係無得賣~~ 嗚嗚~~呢個用下再同大家分享睇下值唔值得入手丫!

(English:  This is called Cream Foundation Brush, it can be used to buff in foundation and blend the hard edges of the shading and illuminate!  I heard so many good comments on Tom Ford brushes before, so I really wanted to give it a try (or maybe start collecting them).  Of course I wouldn’t buy them all in one go, I may get it one by one.  I saw Susan has a really nice makeup brushes bag to store all the Tom Ford makeup brushes, it looks so cool, but I don’t think that’s available for the general public!!  I will give this brush a test and review it for you later!)

Tom Ford Shade and Illuminate Brush No. 04


呢枝係特登同Shading and Illuminate一齊用既掃,因為佢個設計係啱啱好要shading個位,所以我就買埋! 因為shading唔啱位既話根本係唔會有應有既效果! 可能你地覺得我好誇張,但係我覺得所有化妝品都係工具既一種,工具啱用自然出黎既效果就會好好多啦!! 又係用完會報告!

(English:  This is specially designed for the Shading and Illuminate! It fits onto the shading area perfectly, so I got it too.  Using the product is one thing, but having the right tool to maximize its benefits is another.  You might think that I am actually over the top, but I feel that every makeup items are like tools, using the right tools to get the best results is very important!  Again, I will give this a go and let you know what I think!)

New Series of Tom Ford Eau de Parfum Samples

價錢(Price):HK$1,700/ 50ml

我上次係video度話過佢地俾香水sample (4ml) 個experience真係無敵luxury! 今次佢都有俾咗新系列既香水sample我!! 哈哈!! 好開心!! 由左至右:Fleur De Chine, Rive D’Ambre, Plum Japonais and Shanghai Lily。Mr Honey除咗買Tuscan Leather,佢仲買左Rive D’Ambre,因為佢有lime味,聞落醒神又清新! 我自己就最愛Shanghai Lily,隻味又exotic,有少少成熟得黎好鬼sensual!! 正!! 我可能下次先帶佢返屋企!!

(English:  In my last Tom Ford video, I have told you how luxurious of the whole sampling experience regarding the fragrances!!  This time, I got the 4 new releases, from left to right: Fleur De Chine, Rive D’Ambre, Plum Japonais and Shanghai Lily.  Apart from getting Tuscan Leather, Mr Honey got the Rive D’Ambre as well, because it has a good hint of lime scent, it’s really refreshing!  I personally love Shanghai Lily, the scent is really exotic, a bit mature yet sensual!  Brilliant!  I might bring it home next time!!)

我之前其實都拍咗片同大家分享Tom Ford有咩好用。一條係護膚品,另一條係化妝品! 如果你地未睇又對呢個品牌有興趣,你可以望下(聲明:Tom Ford無sponsor我,全部既產品都係我自己買,就好似Chanel咁,我都係自己買架):

(English:  I have shot two videos before regarding Tom Ford’s products.  One is about their skincare items, and the other one is about their makeup items.  If you haven’t watched it yet but you are interested in the brand, then you can take a look (disclaimer: Tom Ford hasn’t sponsored me in any way, all the products are purchased by myself.  Very much like Chanel, I got their products using my money):)



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