[敗家] Tom Ford請你唔好再毒我喇

其實我好想親自寫信俾Tom Ford叫佢唔好出咁多好野黎毒我(哈哈)! 我真係次次行過都覺得不得了! 繼上次去完之後,我諗住都應該要俾荷包休息一下,但係點知我收到Susan個電話話我上次on waiting list既item有幾樣野返咗,咁叫人留得就當然要快手d拎啦~ 我收完個電話當晚就即去拎! 哈哈(係,我個人係爆心急)!! 當然行埋去又係唔只淨係買咗自己預留既產品啦,又另外買咗兩件無預留既產品(我個荷包真係多得我唔少)。

(English:  Actually I really want to write Tom Ford a letter asking him NOT to release so many different products to tempt me *laughs*!  Every time I walk pass, I literally get sucked into the Tom Ford black hole (oh man!).  I did want to have a break from my last haul from Tom Ford, but then I got a phone call from Susan telling me that the items that I had waited were back in stock (some of the items anyway).  Well then as the story went, I went there that very night to pick up my stuff (yep, just couldn’t wait)!!  Of course, I didn’t end up with only 2 items, I ended up with 4, 2 from the waiting list, and 2 from their usual lines.)


(English:  Let’s look at the ones that I had been waiting for~~)

Tom Ford Ombre Eye Color 

Color: 01 On The Pink



呢盒眼影細細盒,有三個色。 佢個名係漸變,即係話佢三個色都襯好哂比你等你用係唔同位置有漸變既效果。 我無敵喜愛呢個顏色,超實用。
我成日用base color都係用類似既顏色,我覺得呢個可以當係base color又可以係唔想咁誇張既日子當係eye color!! 超正!!
愛自然系既女生都應該要有一盒!! 實用度同美麗度都係爆燈!!

(English: This shadow palette is smaller in size and has 3 colors.  The name suggests ombre and that means that the 3 colors there are picked for you to create that ombre look on your eyes!  I really love this color selection, they are very practical colors.  I always use something similar as a base color.  I think I would use them as base colors or a natural look!  Brilliant!!  I think everyone who loves natural makeup look should have 1 of these.  Practical and pretty!!)

試色圖/ Swatches


唔洗我再多講啦~ 之前係video都講過佢地既眼影質數係一流! 真係好creamy,好出色,好易blend! 所以我覺得你買佢既眼影唔洗擔心佢既質量,反而揀個你鍾意既顏色就可以喇!

(English:  Well quality-wise, I don’t have to stress again on how well these work!!  They are really creamy, really pigmented and super easy to blend!  If you are thinking about getting a Tom Ford Quad, there is no need for you to worry about the quality, just pick the colors that you like and there you go!)



Tom Ford Ombre Eye Color  

Color: 02 She Wolf




呢個就係同01同一系列,都係三個色! 但係就係carbon灰tone! 呢個好係我既style,亦都好啱秋冬去用,所以我買啦~~ d閃真係無敵! 去party個陣用一流呀!! 好鬼靚~~

(English:  This is in the same series as the 01, again 3 colors in the palette!  This is more of a carbon tone palette, perfect for my style and autumn winter time, so I had to get it!  The glitter is wonderful, perfect for parties!!! Amazing~~)

試色圖/ Swatches

另外就到一d normal既產品,呢兩件都係佢平日既line度有既產品!

(English:  Now, something from their usual lines~~)


Tom Ford Eye Color Quad

Color: 10 Titanium Smoke



其實佢每個palette我都好鍾意,叫我揀我覺得超難! 因為想好簡單地將佢地帶哂返屋企! 但係我又覺得好過份,所以每次想買先買一個,最終我應該會帶哂咁多粒返屋企,但係我唔會發癲俾自己一次過買哂! 我今次睇咗幾個之後決定帶10號走! 原因係我覺得佢個色好襯型look同埋好啱秋冬去用,佢個閃真係好好好靚,因為真係3D,邊個角度望落都係閃,好似diamond咁! 太正喇,如果去party一定要加個閃,好glamourous!!

(English:  Actually I really love everyone of their palettes, so it’s really hard for me to choose!  I simply want to bring all of them home!  However, I can’t convince myself to haul all of them in one go, so I want to get 1 each time (whenever I want to get 1), ultimately, I would end up with the whole collection!  I have looked at a few this time and I finally picked No. 10, I feel that it’s more edgy and it’s better for autumn and winter.  The glittery one is literally breath-taking because it looks really 3D on the eyes, no matter from which angle, it simply looks like diamonds on eyes!  Perfect, if you have parties to go to, this is a great choice for you!!  Super glamourous!!)



Tom Ford Makeup Remover

價錢(Price):HK$300/ 150ml

呢個眼部卸妝之前無賣(淨係佢地BA用落幫人落妝),但係近期有得賣,所以我都買咗枝睇下好唔好唔用!! 用左再同大家分享丫!

(English:  This eye makeup remover was only used by their BA to remove the makeup on their clients!  However, recently they start selling this, so I got one and will see how it goes!!)


價錢(Price):HK$1,700/ 50ml

From left to right:  Noir De Noir, Oud Wood, Champaca Absolute

今次有呢三個香水sample! 我就快有哂佢成條line研究喇!! 繼上次我發現Shanghai Lily真係勁好聞同好特別之後,我今次又發現新大陸,就係Noir De Noir喇!! 好神秘好香,正因為每個人都有dark side,就好似將你個dark side表現出黎,could be fun! 其實好多都真係好好聞,我都未決定我第一次Tom Ford香水會係咩~ 哈哈~~ 我會每枝都研究下先再決定!!

(English:  I got 3 samples this time and soon I will have all of the scents!  Last time, I discovered Shanghai Lily and this time, I discovered that Noir De Noir is bloody amazing as well!  Very mysterious and very sensual!  Well everyone has a dark side and it’s like bringing your dark side out, could be fun!  Hmm….so many of them smell gorgeous, I am not sure which one would become my first Tom Ford Eau De Parfum, let’s see!!!)



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