[化妝] Tom Ford新品兩色眼影唇膏試色圖

又係新品時間! 今次到Tom Ford既新品喇。 因為Tom Ford既貨源成日都唔係好充足,我都係快手d! 因為我只係買咗兩日,未有咩好特別感覺,我得少少初步感覺同大家分享下啦!

(English:  Time for new release again!  This time is Tom Ford!  Well, since their stuff seem to be out of stock very quickly, I thought I’d better hurry up this time.  I just got these for two days, so I can’t really share my lengthy details, however, I could definitely provide my overview to you!!)

Tom Ford Eye Color Duo

Color: 01 Ripe Plum




Tom Ford Eye Color Duo 

Color: 02 Raw Jade




除咗呢兩個色,佢仲有個藍色,不過我個人對藍色興趣唔大,所以無入手。 呢個eyeshadow可以乾濕兩用,而分別出黎個效果都靚。 好明顯濕用在出色d喇~ HK$460蚊買兩個顏色既眼影值唔值,我今次越諗真係覺得越唔值得。 係,都係好出色,但係顏色唔係好特別(我會揾下我屋企有無其他brand類似再分享下),兩個色,一個太淺一個太深。 如果眼頭眼尾用都OK,但係就少咗個base color,如果將份量減少,加多個中間色,咁我覺得個實用性會高d。 我個人覺得唔抵買,要買買佢四個色個d會多變化d同埋我覺得實用性高d! 咁如果你係fans就另計啦!

(English:  Apart from these two colors, they have one with a blue tone as well, but I am not a fan of any blue shadows, so I passed on that one.  The eyeshadows can be used dry and wet, both have nice finish and with good intensity (well, the wet ones are slightly more intense).  Well if you asked me if they are worth the price, I am afraid this time I have to say “Not Really”.  Yes they are pigmented but are the colors surprising?  No, I have seen them before (I will search for the dupes in my collection and if I find some, I will definitely tell you).  Two colors, one is more of a highlighter color and the other one is a very dark color, I somehow think it misses something in between.  If they reduce the size of the color but add one more color in the middle, that would increase the practicality.  I personally don’t think this is a “must-buy”, if you want to try out Tom Ford products, you are actually better off buying the 4 color ones.  Well, if you are a fan of Tom Ford, then the story would be very biased.)

Tom Ford Lip Color Shine 

Color: 12 Sultry

Tom Ford Lip Color Shine 
Color: 13 Lust

價錢(Price):HK$410/ 3.5g


Left: 12 Sultry and Right: 13 Lust

新顏色有4個色,我入咗兩個我覺得我比較會用既顏色。 出黎效果潤同好令,好出色。 我覺得佢既顏色都啱春夏天。 唔錯!

(English:  The new release includes 4 new colors of Lip Shine.  I got the two which I thought would be best suited for me.  The finish is definitely moisturizing and shiny, and they are also very pigmented.  I quite like the colors as I think they are really nice for Spring and Summer time!!)

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