[敗家] 久違了的Tiffany

唔知幾耐冇去過Tiffany睇野或者買野! 去泰國之前無啦啦心血來潮想去Tiffany望下! 望望下又出事 (其實我真係不宜亂望!!!):

(English: I hadn’t been to Tiffany for a very long while. Not sure why, I wanted to browse around before I went to Thailand. OMG – the following caught my eye when I was browsing – actually I think I should be forbidden to even browse anything!)

珠珠型細細條真係超心動! 我覺得佢有份簡單美! 而且因為佢細細條, 帶完佢之後仲可以配撘其他野, 感覺唔會太多太複雜!!

(English: A delicate beaded bracelet!! I was totally in love with it because it has a simple beauty. It’s not chunky at all and it can be paired up with other accessories without feeling over the top!!)

當然唔少得有個牌仔寫住Tiffany & Co.啦! 我記得另外有款就有個圓牌寫住”I love you”. 另一半送就真係”lum”死!! 哈哈!

(English: Of course a plate with Tiffany & Co. cannot be missed. I recalled there is another style with a rounded plate with the words “I Love You” on – would be a great gift from the other half!! *laughs*)

除咗Tiffany之外, 我仲敗咗Links of London其中一粒charm!! 睇中咗好耐喇! 不過之前斷貨, 買唔到! 咁當然我一見到就即俾錢啦:

(English: Apart from Tiffany, I got one of Links of London charms as well!! I did like it for awhile but it was out of stock! So when I saw that it was in store, I had to bring it home!)

就係有英國國旗嘅Wellington喇!! 唔知點解我對佢情有獨中!! 呵呵!!

(English: It’s a Wellington with English flag on!! Don’t know why but I really like it!! *winks*)

Photos are taken with iPhone 4S

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