[化妝] 日本THREE胭脂篇

今次去日本買左嘅隻唔同牌子嘅胭脂, 真係隻隻我都好滿意。 我記得我係日本THREE counter揀野個時, 雖然我唔識日文, 個BA嘅英文都係有限公司, 但係我地兩個好落力去用body language去溝通, 諗起都好搞笑! 女人要敗家起上黎真唔無咩可以擋得住! 哈哈!

(English:  I got a few blushes from different brands when I went to Japan, I love everyone of them!  I remember when I was at THREE counter, the BA and I tried every hard to use body language to communicate because I don’t speak Japanese and her English was limited.  That was quite an interesting experience and made me think, “if women want to buy something, nothing could stop them!” *Laughs*)

 唔知係咪因為去左日本無耐同埋係日本都敗左好多好野, 今年嘅Sogo Thankful Week竟然燒唔著! 我見Guerlain有一set係化妝品(入面有sa我想試嘅野), 但係我都係望左一眼就行走左! 好叻呀!! 嘻嘻! 好, 講翻正題先, 今日要講嘅係:

(English:  Not sure if it’s because I hauled quite a few things when I was in Japan, I wasn’t tempted during the Sogo Thankful Week!!  I saw Guerlain had a set of makeup products (basically contained everything that I wanted to try), I wasn’t even slightly tempted!!  *Proud of myself*.  Well let me come back to what I want to talk about today:)

THREE Color Veil for Cheeks
(Color: No. 13 Light Sonic)

價錢(Price):3,150 Yen/ 4.5g

佢都有好多顏色可以揀, 上佢地website睇, total係有17個顏色。

(English: There are many colors to choose from.  When I go to their website, it shows that there are 17 colors to choose from.)

我一睇就好鍾意呢個橙色喇。 好靚! 呢d係咪叫一眼愛上? 我無咩點睇其他色, 因為我呢期比較鍾意橙色胭脂。

(English:  I fell in love with this color instantly when I saw this.  Super pretty!!  I am not sure if this is “love at first sight” *laughs*.  I haven’t really browsed through other colors as I am more in love with orange blush these days!)

試色圖 / Swatches:

其實上皮膚又唔係咁橙,似係橙粉紅嘅顏色, 好健康下!

(English:  It doesn’t look that orange when applied on skin.  It’s more like orange pinkish tone – quite healthy looking!)

使用次數(No. of Usage):1 week

簡單用後感:我覺得呢個胭脂有少少特別, 望出嚟個色同上面個色係唔同。 所以記得要試上手睇下真實個色你鍾唔鍾意先買呀! 我唔係好記得係咪個個色都係matte color, 我買呢個就係喇。 唔閃嘅胭脂真係唔太多, 所以見到即買!  佢係超級上色, 所以每次都係用好少就夠喇! 仲有就係佢個顏色上面好健康, 唔會過橙亦帶有少少粉紅色。  最正係佢好long-lasking, last全日都無咩問題! 正正正!  講真, 我覺得價錢一d都唔平民,不過我就覺得佢好好用, 我預知自己會用到落底(唔係講笑!)。 計翻港紙三百令蚊, 如果真係成日都會用同埋用得哂既話, 我都覺得真係抵既!  我超推呢隻胭脂呀! 好好用!! 我就越用越鍾意喇! 下次去日本我都會再買呀!

(English:  Quick Review: I feel that this THREE blush is a bit special in the sense that the color is different when you apply on your skin, therefore, make sure you try it on your skin first before hauling!  I am not sure if everyone of their colors is matte color, but mine is.  Matte blushes are really hard to find, so when I saw this I had to get it.  It’s super pigmented and I only use a tiny amount each time!  Also, the color looks really healthy on skin – it’s not too orange but with a hint of pink.  The best part is that it’s long-lasting.  It lasts all day without any problem – brilliant!!  Honestly, I don’t think the price is too friendly but I have a feeling that I could use this one up (not kidding).  It’s around 300 something HK dollar, if it’s used everyday and it could be finished, then in my terms, it’s great!!  I super recommend this as I fall more in love with it everytime I use it!!  I am sure when I go to Japan next, I would haul more colors – yep, love it that much!)

如果你問我Addiction(回顧按此))同THREE胭脂邊個好用d, 我會話兩個嘅好用程度差唔多, 但係Addiction就比較多鮮明嘅眼色同埋多數有閃粉,THREE嘅顏色比較平實少少喇!  如果你去日本銀座嘅三越, 兩個counter都係齊度, 你可以兩個都玩下丫!

(English:  If you ask me to compare Addiction (refresh memory) and THREE blushes, I would say quality-wise, they are very similar.  Addiction has more vibrant colors and many of them have shimmer, while THREE is more down to earth.  If you go to Ginza Mitsukoshi, both counters are there, and make sure you play with both!!)

(the product information is extracted from http://threecosmetics.com)

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