[敗家試色] 係台灣敗既日本品牌THREE化妝品

之前我係video度講過話THREE既化妝品試色圖我會係blog做俾大家睇,因為我覺得咁樣先睇得清楚! 好啦,今日寫埋佢,因為我都欠左大家好一陣子~~ 又係個句丫,review要遲少少再拍片同大家分享。 下面既係試色圖同埋少少初步感覺,但係我都想用多幾次先再分享。 唔急得,有時用用下d野係會改觀麻~~

(English:  I have promised everyone that I would do the swatches of THREE makeup product in a blog post, because I feel this is the best representation of the products!!  Right, I will finish this today because I have been owing this to you all for awhile.  Again same phrase from me, please wait for the review as I intend to shoot a video on all of their products.  Therefore, the followings are the swatches and my initial thoughts, but I insist to use them for a bit more before the solid comments.  I can’t hurry on this because sometimes I do change my mind on a product after using them for awhile~~)

THREE完美修飾乳 SPF24/ PA++
Perfecting Primer

價錢(Price): NT$1,450/ 30g

初步感覺真係覺得幾好,有少少色個質地又唔笠。 不過我仲係研究緊除咗呢d,佢仲有咩其他功效當中。

(English:  The initial feeling is good, it has a tint of color and the texture is light.  However I am still investigating apart from these, what else is good inside this tube.)

THREE凝光水粉霜 SPF36/ PA+++
Flawless Ethereal Fluid Foundation
Color: 206

價錢(Price): NT$1,800/ 30ml
呢個既初步感覺都係覺得佢coverage底丫! 如果想要遮遐度既朋友仔未必啱丫~~

(English:  My first thought is that this has low coverage as well!  If you want something with a decent coverage, this might not be what your want!!)

Correcting Concealer

Color: 02

價錢(Price): NT$1,950/ 6.5g

真係幾creamy。 不過我唔肯定佢下一行個粉同閃粉係咪必要。 等我用佢同Glo Minerals比較下先,因為Glo Minerals隻concealer都係好creamy,而我亦都燒過好多人,所以想睇下呢隻貴咁多又係咪真係work!

(English:  Yes it’s quite creamy but I am not sure if it’s necessary to include the powder and the glitter powder.  I think I will compare it with Glo Minerals because the Glo Minerals one is very creamy and I have recommended it to so many people, so I want to see how this one compares to that!!)

Ultimate Diaphanous Loose Powder

價錢(Price): NT$1,800/ 17g

Shimmery Glow Duo

Color: 02

價錢(Price): NT$1,600/ 6.8g

質感creamy得黎唔笠~~ 不過仲睇緊點用佢先最好啦~~

(English:  it’s creamy but not heavy~~  I am thinking what’s the best way to use it~~)

4D Eye Palette

Color: 10

價錢(Price): NT$2,200/ 8g

Pressed Eye Color Palette Duo
Color: 02

價錢(Price): NT$1,350/ 3.3g

老實講,我對佢既眼影有保留,因為真係唔算好上色。 出黎個感覺好薄同要build先出到色。

(English:  Honestly, I have reservation on its eyeshadow because they are not really pigmented.  The finish is very sheer and you have to build it to get the colors out.)

Shadow Lining Performance Eyeliner
Color: Night Wishes, Cosmic Rays and Black Celebration

價錢(Price): NT$1,000/ 0.14g


(English: Again one side is sponge tip for you to blend it into eyeshadow and the other side is eyeliner, but this time it’s a twist one.)

唔錯呀!! 唔乾,好畫同出色~~ 再研究下佢有幾持久再同大家分享啦~

(English:  Nice!!  Not dry, quite easy to draw and pigmented~~  Will investigate on how long lasting it is before sharing my thoughts~~)

Refined Control Lip Pencil

Color: 01

價錢(Price): NT$980/ 0.7g

真係好接近膚色呀!!! 哈哈哈~~

(English:  It’s extremely close to skin color!!! Hahahaha~~~)

THREE魅光口紅 (絲光)
Velvet Lust Lipstick
Color: No. 11 Roseberry Moon and No. 12 Scarlet Noir

價錢(Price): NT$1,250/ 4g

兩隻都係新色~~ 哈哈~~~ 未用~~ 用咗再分享~~

(English: Both are new colors~~  Haha~~~ I haven’t started using them yet!!  So will share my thoughts later~~)

好喇,好攰,要唞唞先~~~ 再傾丫~~

(English:  Right, so tired… I need to take a rest now and will talk later~~~)



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