好一陣子我沒有試其他的睫毛液,用過合心意的我就一直用下去。原因非常簡單:好用有效果的睫毛液實在太難遇上,我不想一直在浪費心機時間。 但我還是個美容美妝博客,所以在家找到幾款存貨之後,覺得拍一條影片一次過分享亦可供大家參考!
It’s been a long while since I tried any new mascara, I just stick to the one that I really like. The reason is simple: a good and effective mascara is hard to come by, I don’t want to constantly waste my time and energy. However, I am still be beauty blogger, so I found a few different ones from home and thought a video reviewing them all would be helpful!