而家甩得口罩可以同大家分享好多唔同嘅化妝品,今日同大家分享呢一款我哋舖頭之前都非常熱賣嘅胭脂 – theBalm Hot Mama,一齊睇吓點解。
Finally we can say goodbye to face masks and I am back in my game of reviewing different makeup products. Today I want to talk about this best-selling blush from our stores – theBalm Hot Mama, let’s take a look at why it’s so loved by many of you.
theBalm Hot Mama HK$150 LINK

TheBalm喺美國品牌美國製造。 Hot Mama係金底閃粉嘅珊瑚色,粉質非常幼細,好易上色同出色。 閃粉加到光澤感,但係唔誇張,亦都唔會顯得毛孔好粗大。 而呢一隻珊瑚色,出嚟效果好健康,唔會過分少女,反而有一種做完運動白裏透紅嘅效果。 呢個顏色無論咩膚色都可以用得到,就算好似我咁皮膚比較健康膚色,用佢都唔會顯黑! 另外一個熱賣原因係因為佢好持久。 之前有好多你哋同我分享,話搽其他胭脂,半日就冇晒色,搽咗呢隻全日都仲喺塊面度,所以你哋好鍾意。
TheBalm is a U.S. brand and is made in the U.S. Hot Mama is a coral colour with gold shimmer, its powder is finely milled, very pigmented and easy to blend. The shimmer adds light to cheeks but it’s not overwhelming nor enlarging your pores. This coral colour makes you look awake and healthy, without being too pink and girly. The result is more like the cheek colours after doing exercise – that healthy glow! It suits a wide range of skin tones; all of you know that I have tan skin and it brightens up my face instead of making it look dull! The other reason why it has been a best-seller is because its longevity. Many of you told me that other blushes tend to disappear after half a day but this one stays for a whole day, hence the love for this product.
甩口罩都要快啲為面部加翻啲色彩,你哋快啲過嚟Hakme Beauty(地址按此)試色啦! 想網購嘅話,撳呢條連結都可以。
Now we can add some colours to our faces, come to Hakme Beauty (address here) to try it out! Or, if you want to shop online, click here.