[化妝] theBalm Balm Jovi Rockstar Palette

我又未出文以為自己出左文呀!! 哈哈哈~~ 拿拿聲補翻呢篇文章先,其實theBalm Balm Jovi都已經黎咗小店好一段時間喇,一直都以為自己已經分享咗,原來係未丫!!

(English:  Here we go again – I thought I did share the swatches and my thoughts on this palette but nope!!!  *Laughs*   Now let me go over this palette, indeed, it’s been in our store for quite some time, so somehow I got the illusions that I have already talked about it, but guess I was purely hallucinating!!)

theBalm Balm Jovi Rockstar Palette



Buy from: 黑咪Hakme Beauty店 (link)


有12色眼影,1 highlight,1胭脂同兩隻cream color可以當胭脂或者唇膏。

(English:  It comes with 12 eyeshadows, 1 highlight, 1 blush and 2 cream colors which can be either used as cream blush or lip color.)













(English:  I haven’t used any primer underneath and these are the results of 1 stroke!)

用後感:顏色出,粉質都幼細易blend,鍾意佢有個cover protect住兩個cream color,唔用唔洗打開,其他powder又唔會飛落去!我覺得佢都熟於係一個比較全面既palette! 眼影有大路既顏色,亦有深色可以做smokey,另外仲有綠綠紫紫呢d顏色,可以玩唔同花款。 Highlight同胭脂色都好實用,基本上可以搭唔同既妝容。 兩隻cream color做胭脂效果持久,或者做lip color亦得,做嘴既顏色會有少少glossy效果。 如果你揾緊一盒比較多變化同埋包左基本野既palette,我覺得呢個好唔錯。 但係如果你話你十年都唔用d綠綠紫紫既色同埋唔係好用cream product或者highlight既話,呢個palette對你既用途未必好大喇。

(English: Product Review:  The powders have a high pigmentation, are finely-milled and easy to blend.  I love the fact that it has a cover to protect the two cream colors, you don’t have to open it up when you are not using the cream colors (this means the powder won’t ruin your cream colors!).  I think this is quite a versatile palette!  The eyeshadows come in different tones, you have earth tone for a daily use, darker colors for smokey looks, greens and purples for something different.  The highlight and blush color are very practical as well because basically they go with any looks.  The two cream colors can be used as blush and they are long-lasting, or, you could use them as lip colors.  When you use them as lip colors, you will find a light glossiness on the finish.  If you are looking for something versatile and comes with the basic things you need for makeup, this one could be a nice choice.  However, if you are absolutely not into something green and purple, you don’t like cream colors or highlight, then I don’t think you will get great uses out of this palette!!)

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