今日要同大家分享一下呢一枝美國theBalm Anne T. Dotes Eyeshadow Primer眼影打底,我覺得佢比之前個枝更加好用效果更加明顯,而且佢性價比超高,唔好講咁多,即刻睇相睇分享!
Today I want to talk about theBalm Anne T. Dotes Eyeshadow Primer (US brand and made in the USA), I feel like this one is even better than the last version they had. Plus, the price is so affordable. Let’s get right into it.
theBalm Anne T. Dotes Eyeshadow Primer HK$130/11.8ml LINK



眼影底霜即係眼影嘅打底,搽眼影之前搽咗佢先。 主要功用係提升眼影嘅持久度! 呢一枝theBalm Anne T. Dotes Eyeshadow Primer係屬於clean beauty,即係話有好多有害成分已經被剔除,就算眼部比較敏感嘅baby都可以安心去使用。佢個質地比較稀身同輕身,份量唔需要多,一粒豆嘅份量已經可以印開兩個眼皮。而佢呢個質感非常之好,因為唔會比眼皮好大負擔之餘,又唔會黐到啲眼影太實blend唔開,最終變咗一達達唔靚。 呢個搽完喺眼皮有平滑嘅作用,除咗可以令眼影持久度提升之外,亦都令眼影搽出嚟好平滑提高顯色度亦比較明亮。 一整日喺度眨眼都唔會跌晒啲眼影落眼肚! 返到屋企個眼妝仲非常完美,而且眼妝keep到好明亮唔會暗啞! 我超級鍾意呢一枝眼影打底,開架嘅價錢亦都唔會傷害眼皮,越用越鍾意,應該都屬於冇咗會死系列之一! 仲要每次用嘅份量咁少,即係買一支有排用,性價比超高! 你哋都快啲過嚟黑咪店試下(Hakme Beaury地址)或者網購(按此)又得!
Eyeshadow primer is used just before applying eyeshadows, its main function is to enhance the longevity of the eye makeup. theBalm Anne T. Dotes Eyeshadow Primer is classified under clean beauty which means it doesn’t contain a lot of the harmful ingredients, it’s suitable even for the most sensitive eyelids. Its texture is very light, only a pea size would be enough for both eyelids. I love its texture because it doesn’t create burden skin and it won’t stick on the eyeshadows excessively (which in turn would make them less blendable and become patchy). I feel that this eyeshadow primer has smoothing function, apart from enhancing the longevity of the eyeshadows, it also makes the eyeshadows look smoother and brighter. We all blink a lot throughout the day, but the eyeshadows stay on the lids without falling off to the under eye areas. After a long day when I come home, I find my eye makeup still looking perfect and bright! I am super in love with this eyeshadow primer, the price is affordable and it contains clean ingredients. Every time I use it, I love it even more, I think it would be really difficult for me to part with this product. Plus, a pea size would go a long way, so a tube would last for a long time! Come and check this out in Hakme Beauty (addresses here) or order it online (link here)!