Book Review: The Secret to Love, Health, and Money: A Masterclass by Rhonda Byrne

關於吸引力法則,我第一本接觸嘅書係The Secret。之後佢成個系列我都有買有睇,呢本The Secret to Love, Health and Money係屬於佢最近期嘅作品,我當然都入咗手,而家睇完同大家分享吓。

Regarding the law of attraction, the first book that I read was The Secret and I got hooked.  I read the whole series and The Secret to Love, Health and Money is their latest edition.  I just finished reading it and let me share my thoughts with you.

The Secret to Love, Health, and Money: A Masterclass by Rhonda Byrne LINK


The main concept about The Law of Attraction is that you have complete control of your life, whatever you focus on, it will become your reality, no matter it’s positive or negative.  I am, indeed, very familiar with the topic.  Though I read books about The Law of Attraction from time to time, my goal is to keep reminding myself to think positively.

The Secret系列其實都係不斷重複我上面講嘅概念,你睇第一本嘅時候會覺得好新奇,但係睇到第二三本嘅時候就會覺得講嘅嘢一樣,唔會有太大或者太多嘅得着。 

The Secret series keep reinforcing the concept I just mentioned.  When you read the first one, you probably are very excited about the new way of thinking, however, when you are onto your second or third one, you probably find it quite repetitive.  

呢本書分開三個部份去講吸引力法則,因為根本概念一樣,所以三個部份都會不斷重複。 如果你對呢個題目已經好熟嘅話,你可能會覺得有啲悶。 但係如果你好似我咁,只係想定時定候提醒自己,我覺得睇佢系列嘅書都係一個好嘅方法。

This book is divided into 3 sections – Love, Health and Money.  Since the fundamental idea is the same (aka The Law of Attraction), the book repeats itself quite a bit.  If you have done your homework about this topic, you might even find the book boring.  On the other hand, if you are looking for something as a reminder, I think reading The Secret could be quite a good option.

本書唔會教你太多方法點樣正向思維,反而講道理比較多。 我覺得如果你想知道究竟點樣喺唔同情況下去保持正向思想,呢本書未必啱你睇。 但係如果你只係想宏觀地了解吓乜嘢係吸引力法則,乜嘢係正面思考,咁呢本書應該可以帶到一啲新嘅觀點俾你。

The book is more focused on the philosophy rather than a practical guide, so if you want to know exactly how you can stay positive in different circumstances, this might not be for you.  However, if you want to get an overall idea of what The Law of Attraction and Positive Thinking are about, then I think this book might give you some excitement.  

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