相信大家都聽過老錢風,英文多數叫Quiet Luxury/ Old Money。 簡單地去了解就是有質素的單品,但沒有logo,而且大部份設計都非常簡約。 當中其中一個最受到關注的品牌就是The Row,我過往幾個月都不斷研究他家的單品,今日先跟大家分享他家的手袋。我好有興趣聽聽大家的看法。
I believe by now many of us have heard of the terms quiet luxury or old money, in very simple terms, it means quality pieces without logos, and most designs are very minimalistic. One of the brands that got talked about a lot is The Row. I have been investigating their items for awhile, today I want to discuss their handbags with you. I am very interested to hear your thoughts as well.

The Most Popular The Row Bag – Margaux

The Row Margaux有不同的尺寸。最大17,還有15,12跟10。17跟15就是見別人手提的比較多,而12跟10就有長帶可以上膞。上網比較多見到網紅拿着的都是17/15,一副慵懶的感覺! 17的價錢是五萬多,聽說非常輕便而且售出率非常之快,所以我也沒有見過真身。我期待有一天可以近距離看看它的廬山真面目。
The Row Margaux comes in different sizes: 17, 15, 12 and 10. 17 and 15 are more for hand carry while 12 and 10 offer long straps to go on the shoulder. When you check online, most influencers are carrying 17/15, very off-duty! The price point of 17 is over HK$50K. I heard they are quite light weight and got sold out really quickly, so I haven’t had a chance to see it in real life yet; hopefully one day I do get the chance.
Another Two which Offer Similar Vibe

這兩個都是手拿為主,型狀有些變化。Margaux沒有拉鍊,而Devon跟India都有拉鍊。我覺得Devon比較工整,少了慵懶的感覺,走正式感路線。而India我覺得就跟一般的bowling bag非常類似,驚喜不大。
Both are for hand carry, the shapes are a bit different. Margaux doesn’t come with a zip, but both Devon and India does. I feel that Devon is very structured and less off-duty; while India is very similar to other bowling bags I have seen, so I wasn’t too “wow-ed”.
The Others

the images used in this blog post are from https://www.net-a-porter.com and https://www.luisaviaroma.com
我覺得Allie跟Everyday也很值得留意。 Allie比較hobo,大大的容量也很好,上膊也非常瀟灑,我覺得這個很不錯又實用,是我喜歡的類型,而且價錢是二萬多,不太誇張可以接受。 另外就到Everyday,這個是小小的手提包,但容量應該非常日常,我覺得這個形狀也非常好看,價錢也是二萬多。 最後就到他們垂直的tote bag – N/S Park! 這個也有不同的尺寸,我自己比較鍾意small,覺得日常用就已經很足夠。
I think Allie and Everyday are worth your attention too. Allie is more hobo-styled, it’s very spacious and it looks great on shoulder. I feel that Allie is one of those practical bags for everyday use! Plus, the price is just over HK$20K, it’s acceptable. For Everyday, it’s another hand carry bag but I like how it looks, I think its size should be able to hold all daily essentials and I love the shape. The price is just over HK$20K too. Last but not least, it’s their vertical tote – N/S Park! This comes in different sizes and I love the small one the best, I feel like it’s enough for daily use.
當然他們還有其他手袋款式,但我覺得這幾個比較值得留意。 不知道你看完之後有沒有喜歡的,歡迎告訴我!
Of course, there are other The Row handbags, but I feel that these worth your attention at the moment. Not sure if you are tempted after reading this, feel free to let me know.