前幾天收到The Ordinary送來的一份PR sample,突然記起這個品牌已經來到香港,我也應該跟大家報告一下。
A few days ago, I received a PR package from The Ordinary and I suddenly recall that they have finally arrived in Hong Kong.

The No-Brainer Set HK$300
Granactive Retinoid 2% Emulsion 30ml x 1
“Buffet” 30ml x 1
Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA 30ml x 1
這個品牌在外國非常受歡迎,原因必定與價格有關。 他們走平價路線,沒有多餘的包裝廣告。 你看這個套裝有3枝30ml產品,價錢也只不過是300元! 而且他家的產品都用成份為名稱,給人一種平實的感覺。 左至右:Granactive Retinoid 2% Emulsion是新一代複合維A再生精華,含兩種新一代維生素A類成分,主要功效是抗老減紋;Buffet含有胜肽做多效抗老;Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA 的簡介說是表面保濕,即是面霜類的產品!
The Ordinary is a very hot brand among other countries, one of the main reasons is its affordable prices! They don’t have non-sense packaging and advertisement. As you can see, there are 3 x 30ml products in this set and it only costs HK$300! Another point worths to mention is that its product names are named after the ingredients and it also gives people a down-to-earth vibe. From left to right: Granactive Retinoid 2% Emulsion is a new generation compound Vitamin A serum targeting anti-aging and fading lines; Buffet contains multi-technology Peptide targeting all-rounded anti-aging; Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA focuses on surface hydration, therefore, it is used as a moisturiser!

The Ordinary分店
沙田新城市廣場三期L3 A313
尖沙咀 The One Beauty Bazaar
金鐘太古廣場Harvey Nichols
The Ordinary Locations
B224B Times Square, Causeway Bay
L3 A313 Phase 3 New City Plaza, Shatin
The One Beauty Bazaar, Tsim Sha Tsui
Harvey Nichols Pacific Place, Admiralty
我遲一點都會找時間去看看買多一點東西,將所有產品用過後再拍影片跟大家分享。 如果你用過這個品牌的話,你最喜歡那枝產品?
I will find time to visit their locations later, probably will haul a few more items, then I can give them a try and review them on YouTube for you. If you have tried their products, which one is your favourite?