The One Foot Cream that Mr Honey and I Fight Over

初初去試呢枝Esterel Feet Relaxing Cream嗰陣唔覺得自己會特別愛上,因為我試過好多搽腳嘅嘢我都覺得好笠,搽完成日痴鬼住對拖鞋,所以我期望唔大。 竟然呢枝我越用越愛,仲同Mr Honey爭住用添(最終解決方法係我哋一人一枝私貨唔洗爭~) 。

When I first tried this Esterel Feet Relaxing Cream, I didn’t think I would fall in love because I had tried many over the years and no matter which one I used, I found them to be too thick and greasy. My feet ended up sticking onto the slippers and it wasn’t a nice feeling. To my surprise, the more I use this; the more I love it. Not only me, Mr Honey is hooked as well. We kept fighting over this to the point that we ended up having one each for “private usage”.

Esterel Feet Relaxing Cream HK$340/300ml



✅Minimize sweat from feet
✅Minimize the unwanted smell from feet 
✅Soothe fatigue and reduce water retention
✅Moisturize the area and prevent cracking


先講佢個質感,好推得開,推開有少少似lotion狀而且好易吸收,吸完之後係會覺得搽咗野好滑但係唔會痴唔會笠。 掂! 佢亦都主打殺菌,所以佢係好香嘅茶樹味。 正因為佢殺菌,所以佢可以幫手改善腳汗同埋腳臭呢啲問題。 我自己腳汗好勁同埋夏天太焗嘅話我會易有腳味,我用咗佢三個星期開始覺得腳汗無咁勁,到而家咁熱既天氣腳味都無再翻黎搵我!YAY! 另外我覺得佢個舒緩功效係明顯,因為我逢星期三做直播,所以由下午開始一直企,企足8至10個鐘, 返到屋企個人係好攰,但係對腳就會酸軟到瞓唔著。 咁通常星期三晚我都會用佢,但唔淨係用係腳板,仲會搽埋小腿,搽完過一陣啲酸軟會舒緩到好多,瞓得著之餘仲好好瞓添! 哈哈~~咁當然cream嘅最基本功能係滋潤皮膚啦,搽完佢我腳跟無再好似沙紙一樣同埋腳背都細緻好多! Mr Honey咁愛佢都係因為搽完佢之後對腳變咗baby feet! 哈哈哈~~我覺得佢唔係普普通通嘅一枝foot cream,佢係K.O.到腳部問題嘅一枝foot cream。 如果你有我以上所講嗰啲concern嘅話,我超級建議你試下。 我覺得你都會愛上架!!有興趣撳呢條link直到網址。

Let’s talk about the texture first, it spreads easily and it almost feels like a lotion. It’s easy to absorb and it won’t leave a sticky or greasy feeling. Thumbs-up! Since its main purpose is anti-bacterial, it smells like tea tree; and due to that, it can help improve the sweat and smell problems from feet. My feet sweated excessively and sometimes when the weather got too hot, they would have an unpleasant smell. I used this for 3 weeks and I felt like the sweating was significantly reduced and even it’s really hot now, my feet don’t smell horribly! YAY!! Also, I find that its soothing capability is brilliant. Every Wednesday I need to do live broadcast, so I would stand for around 8-10 hours (counting from the photo taking in the afternoon). When I arrived home, I was usually tired and drained; but I couldn’t sleep because my legs would be so sore. So now, I use it every Wednesday night, not only on the feet but also on the legs. It soothes the tiredness and not only I can fall asleep easier but I also have a more quality sleep. *Smiles*. And let’s not forget the basic function of a cream – moisturize. After using this foot cream, my heels are smooth (not sandy anymore) and my feet texture is more refined! Mr Honey is loving this because it gives him his baby feet back! LOL. So, to recap, I don’t think this is a just regular moisturising foot cream, this is a foot cream which targets feet problems! If you have the above-mentioned concerns, I highly recommend you to give this a go, I think you will fall in love too. If you are interested, check this link out.

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